Woots 2015 Outdoor 9


Well-Known Member
I thought you had the GM / SR-71 in a 30 gallon bag?
When did she get the "ground" spot?
I like it!
It's been there for a few weeks. We just drug her over, dug a hole set her in and cut the smart pot off in place.

I got my tops today. I'll post a picture.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks mo. I thin they look cool with that thin layer of de on them.

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Well-Known Member
Looking great Woot! The HSO Blue Dream that I got hasn't done shit! I don't think it took the move well. I am keeping her till harvest anyways but I don't think it will make it. Thanks for the donation and I am glad I could help make room for a good replacement for you. :)


Well-Known Member
So ever single person that's come over has asked if I hand made those during trellises...it tickles me.

I've got word my PC is all geared up and ready to go. I pick it up next weekend at the annual ferret pool party in Concord and then I'll finally catch up on everybody's threads.

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Well-Known Member
Super duper clean garden and workspace. Very nice! Are you a little OCD about it? Your plants are looking beautiful!