World of Seeds Pakistan Valley Kush

The Grinch

Well-Known Member
Hey sub, subscribed.

Are the girls still showing multiple phenos? was a little dissapointed to read - thought it would be a nice stable land race - got my seeds for a future grow

Any pics?

Keep it green

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Sorry about that "The Grinch" I over reacted, they are looking similar now.
All about the same height, color, nice and bushy.
I'll post a picture ASAP...:weed:

How's that for ASAP...


Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I looked closely today, trichomes are forming already.
Really worried about temps slowing things down.
90f today... AC is broke down... low funds...


Well-Known Member
I just saw this thread. Yes I am drying some right now. I havent read thru the post, but Ill tell you this stuff is GREAT. I bought 3 fem's, only 2 grew. Im not to good at cloneing, but at about 6 weeks I started taking clones from the 2. I took 11 clones over a 4 week period. only 4 rooted, and they took almost 4 weeks. BUT it was worth the wait. This stuff tastes so good, sooooo smooooth, my glass bowl gets sticky from all the trics that are everywere. I got about 1 1/2 oz. dry from a 3 cola plant that was about 20 inches tall. I will say Im a little dissapointed, I dont think my plants reached the 21% thc WOS claims, but thats must likely cuse Im a novice grower. All 6 plants I grew, all took 9 weeks to finish up. good luck and enjoy.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I bought the 12 pack of feminized seeds, planted 6 and all six grew and are females.
I planted 6 Afghani, only 5 germinated, 3 males, 2 females.


Well-Known Member
I've got my one afghan, which is about 4-5 weeks into flower, and it looks good, but the buds aren't nearly as fat as my WW, which is only about 1.5 weeks ahead of the Kush. It does look dank as hell though, its about 20 inchs tall, and has 4 or 5 main stems, which all all covered in buds, they just havn't started to fatten up yet. I just posted pics in my journal last night, if you guys wanna check the girls out. I've got 6 clones I took from her before I flowered her. They are al about 7 inchs tall, and starting to bush out. They are gonna all get chopped into more clones in a couple weeks. I should be able to pull 20-30 clones from them, and another 30-40 from my WW clones. Well catch you guys latta. TC


Well-Known Member
SUB Z , did you try to clone any of the PVK ( Pakistan Valley Kush )? I had a hell of a time getting clones to root. I dont know if its the strain or ME, most likly its me. I bought a second bunch of 3 plus some afghan and some wild thai. My room got a mite break out, then I made things worse with too strong of a bug killer. My new crop of World of Seeds died, all but 1 afghan , and its going to take at least 4 more weeks to grow. Ill try to get a couple of shots of the buds from the last clone of the PVK. It should be dry Sat. or Sun. Yours look very nice. Also grab a leaf, then smell your fingers. Mine smelled like hash almost from the start. Also I noticed they get a lighter color green than the other stuff Ive grown. Just wait till they get so frosty. I grew a white widow next to my first PVK and the PVK was frostier than the WW. Around week 4 they start to really get fat. When I harvestsd mine they were stilling growing a few new pistils, even when the trics were turning amber!!!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Hey Fman

I heard this was a hard strain to clone, I haven't tried to clone these ladies this time.
I have 6 more fem. seeds for the next grow, I may give it a try then.
The Ladies are looking better now, and they are starting to give off an odor... :)
I don't think these will give you a large harvest like hybrids, I just hope it blows them
out of the water! We shall see...


Well-Known Member
Hey Fman

I heard this was a hard strain to clone, I haven't tried to clone these ladies this time.
I have 6 more fem. seeds for the next grow, I may give it a try then.
The Ladies are looking better now, and they are starting to give off an odor... :)
I don't think these will give you a large harvest like hybrids, I just hope it blows them
out of the water! We shall see...
Im glad you said that, because I had a hell of a time getting 4 out of 11 cuts to root. Im medicating with the last clone NOW. Here are some shots of my first cut, and the other is what was left for a second pass, a week later. I got a total of 417 grams, dry. That also included the stems, from the first pass. the second cut I took all the buds off the stems.
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Well-Known Member
i have world of seeds yumbolt 47 femmed and i have yet to grow them due to housing issues but i cant wait. i hope that world of seeds does me good. good luck with yours


Well-Known Member
I AM WAY TO MEDICATED--- It was 417 GRAINS (not grams) that equals 27 grams. Also in the picture of the buds hanging, the first 3 are Hindu Kush, the last bud on the right is the PVK. Its a lighter color green, The other 3 buds of PVK are in back of the Hindu Kush.
That is looking good man. I have a pack of non feminized WOS Pakistan Valley, Afghan, and Thai seeds that I hope to run soon. Need them for medical use (cancer). Am running Makido x D.J. Short Old Time Moonshine now. I will be watching to see how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
SubZ- looking REAL nice. I wanted to mention to you that the only prob. I had with my pvk was 4 out of the 6 started to hermi on me. I was able to catch the male flowers ,on all but one, and pull them out. I would check my plants each day with a magnifing glass. Since I was flowering only one at a time it wasnt to much work. Im going to be getting more seeds next week.

Oldman- WOW I got the same combo (pvk, ak, wild ti) last time, unfourtunatly everything, but one ak, died.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip Fman, I have 6 ladies now and none are hermaphodites. I did find one plant is growing a seed, the rest look like normal virgin ladies. I did try to pollinate one plant on the lower bottom buds, I hope it works???
I crossed Afghani with Pakistani... so I should have... Calitalabani weed???



Well-Known Member
SUB My last one polllenated a Hindu skunk , only thing I didnt know. I harvested the skunk before the seeds matured. They are so small you have to find them with a magnifying glass. The Skunk had almost as many trics as the pvk. that would have been a great cross. Your AK and PVK should be REALLY good, hope it works.