World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
can u flush by stopping feeding and replace but water?
as in instead off running litres threw pots week or two before finish can u just water till tiny run off , and do that routine for couple weeks rather then a huge flush and waterings wen dry?


Well-Known Member
U just feed water for the flush m8,well av always jst fed water as n when needed for last coupla wks. Now a use ripen. Nutes rite up to last wks then water n ripen until chop


Well-Known Member
yeah 24 hour water, 24 hour tissue, then soil . but if pop at any stage then they go soil.
i only had a 50 per cent pop rate,
but my mate has 32 plants out 45 seeds so he doing better and he put straight in soil? so dunno really.
have noticed tho out my two bigger bc fems they look very different, ones thinner slender leafs, which curl outwards in a strange way,(very very bushy)
the 2nd sort has fatter broader leafs. more short a plant and bigger straight leafs.
i do love my bc. just hope these pips turn out b a good bc as i only breed one beofre and had few males off same sort. not had a huge or even unseeded bud to smoke, but it did smell nice in flower man.
noticed tho the exo x br smells stronger then my bc so who nos (am only in veg stage so can change drastic in flower).
will top the bigger to or three again while the other plants catch up and show there sex.
if the exo clone takes i prob breed that and have mother to smoke.
only prob for me doing scrog is limited height and cant figure out how to flush if fixed under a grid or screen??????
i put them in a little container with paper towels underneath and on top, spray with a bit of water and leave on top of the combi for 2 days. out of 20 seeds 2 didnt take and i think i just left them too long cos they did start to pop but didnt take when i put them in the soil.

You should get the ghe ripen m8. U feed it only that with water obviously for the last 2 wks. I and sambo highly recommend it lol
how much do you put per l? do you go by the dosage on the bottle?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i normally get better results with seeds, but i breed these ones, so was a new thing for me and i picked a week too early so few underdeveloped pips in the pot along with the good uns.


Well-Known Member
i normally get better results with seeds, but i breed these ones, so was a new thing for me and i picked a week too early so few underdeveloped pips in the pot along with the good uns.
are you crossing them or just doing the same breed? id like to mix ww with something but its probably been done lol
U dilute the ripen at 60ml per 10 ltrs. A think thats across the board would need to check ma feedin chart tho
yeah thats what it said on the bottle. i got it here and cant wait to give it a try


Well-Known Member
ill give it a try at 60ml if there looks like any problems ill drop it down. ghe are quite good with the dosage chart. canna just want you to burn them lol. 1 of these plant looks much better than the rest, all the buds are tight together and theres loads of little crystals forming on the leaves :-D just hope i get to smoke it

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
are you crossing them or just doing the same breed? id like to mix ww with something but its probably been done lol

yeah thats what it said on the bottle. i got it here and cant wait to give it a try
the blus cheese was a practise run. lil learning experience, just wish i could done that wen was at school for ya two weeks learning experience(wood been more useful to me then being a teachers assisant) hahah.
i have a more interesting crossing/breeding job this run.
each grow i do i will do 1 plant for breeding.
got few gadget to get like new cheap tent so can keep males away from fems till i need them like.
got a few cracking sounding strains in mind and will get on them soon, need few bb seeds tho 1st may treet self in week or so(if i do mr scotia i will send u one or two off each i get) and we can do a side by side or something see wot we can get them to do.
think for all crosses i wanna do i will need spend 2 3 4 hundred on all the seeds haha. gunna b expensive but fun


Well-Known Member
the blus cheese was a practise run. lil learning experience, just wish i could done that wen was at school for ya two weeks learning experience(wood been more useful to me then being a teachers assisant) hahah.
i have a more interesting crossing/breeding job this run.
each grow i do i will do 1 plant for breeding.
got few gadget to get like new cheap tent so can keep males away from fems till i need them like.
got a few cracking sounding strains in mind and will get on them soon, need few bb seeds tho 1st may treet self in week or so(if i do mr scotia i will send u one or two off each i get) and we can do a side by side or something see wot we can get them to do.
think for all crosses i wanna do i will need spend 2 3 4 hundred on all the seeds haha. gunna b expensive but fun
Fuck sake matey, u tryin to give BB a run for their money lol.... Did the fairy land mate?