World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Afternoon lads. My lovely mother bought me a big bag of coco pro 4 airpots n a bigger fan. All a need to do is her gardening for summer ;-)

Spend ages movin shit,fittin new fan and av still got loads to do..

Hows everyone else??
Now thats a result an half mate nice brucey for ya!! that coco pro is the shizz!! lol what size pots you got, an fan?

Im sound geezer hows you lot?


Well-Known Member
Fuck the suns shinin here 2dy. We're jst gettin ready to head to hospital..

Fuckin knackered doin all that wiz fuckin roastin n that wiz wae the light off lol


Well-Known Member
Now thats a result an half mate nice brucey for ya!! that coco pro is the shizz!! lol what size pots you got, an fan?

Im sound geezer hows you lot?
Jst got a more powerful 4inch m8 395m3/hr ir somethin like that. Was supposed to b 8ltr pots but looks like 6 cos a already got 2 lol... Really like them jst been usin the bio nova coco blocks n they're utter pish


Well-Known Member
i thought u went hosp earlier.
haha yeah ive fried my hair standing up into a 150 hps before
Docs this mornin n hospital this afternoon :-( got loads to do as well... fuck av butlrnt maself many times on ma 600 thats why a decided to turn it off this time lol


Well-Known Member
Good luck at the Ozzy mate. Docs for me tomoz.

and no MDB, still got me arms, lol....

One of the lads down in SA told me about how clever these fukkers are. They get into cars, they know what fridges are, they can open doors. In Simons Town there are a group that wait until people turn up, they watch from above. Then when the peeps start unloading there cars they rush down and jack the cars, lol. Literally they have been known to get inside and shut the doors!!! Mad. My brother in law smacked one with a huge stick as it sat in his sons cot eating their apples. Would take one bite then throw the apple awy, then pick up another, take a bite and throw that away. When he was wacked with the stick he just arrogantly turned round, looked at my brother in law and then strolled off real slow.....Signs everywhere, Don't feed the baboons. You don't bloody well have to, they help
lmfao so ture

i been here quite a few times m8 i no bout em some farmers even employ people just to sit there and shoot any of the fuckers they see lol

the wilderbeast im gonna shoot is bout 300quid the large male baboon is not even a tenner lol they are considered vermin, but like ya say clever fuckers.

i member yrs ago on me 1st visit a young baboon had been run over n was screaming with broken legs/back couldnt move neway im not a fucking vet lolol a black taxi driver just stopped got his jack out the boot smashed its head in and threw it away from the road lmao


Well-Known Member
you goin stright in coco with um mate?
i let them go as tall as they want without burning on the light. my first run got burnt cos i had my light as high as it would go on the adjusters but then i took them off and clipped it straight to the bar at the top of the tent.
yeah im going to pop the seeds and then put them straight into canna coco. i ordered the pack with rhitzonic too, that was quite good for the roots. within 36hrs from repotting from 5L to 12L all the pots had root coming out of the bottom, it should work even better with air pots

ive ordered a new filter and fan too, its says its does 750m3/h. dont know if its over kill but i thought its better than spending a bit less and having to spend more if its not quite good enough lol


Well-Known Member
Jst got a more powerful 4inch m8 395m3/hr ir somethin like that. Was supposed to b 8ltr pots but looks like 6 cos a already got 2 lol... Really like them jst been usin the bio nova coco blocks n they're utter pish
I need a new fan too mate, didnt think they did 8s mate or id a gone for them instead of the 6ltrs, you'l notice i diff now mate with the pro trust me as long as your ph is sweet they'l be healthy as fuck!

i let them go as tall as they want without burning on the light. my first run got burnt cos i had my light as high as it would go on the adjusters but then i took them off and clipped it straight to the bar at the top of the tent.
yeah im going to pop the seeds and then put them straight into canna coco. i ordered the pack with rhitzonic too, that was quite good for the roots. within 36hrs from repotting from 5L to 12L all the pots had root coming out of the bottom, it should work even better with air pots

ive ordered a new filter and fan too, its says its does 750m3/h. dont know if its over kill but i thought its better than spending a bit less and having to spend more if its not quite good enough lol
I did that my 1st grow mate an my seed was slow to pop the surface but got there in the end, i prefer root riots now for my seeds before the coco. rhiz is shit hot for the roots an also reduces shock when repottin mate id defo recommend it, fan looks sound fella!


Well-Known Member
cheers mate i had to do something the bubblegum was smelling in the end and my temps where up in the mid to high 80s when flowering but they went as high as 92 when i was vegging

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
shit yeah 2 green blocks today now four. check u out mrt big rep haha.
giving it all charlie big spuds haha
am glad now my mission has been a success haha


Well-Known Member
gotta admit without this lodge sun city has been disapointing it aint a touch on the casinos in joberg carnival city, monte casino and gold reef city......

got a dodgy doc 1st week fuck the detox lmao 3x 2.5 lorazepam just munched on the vods hard im off to the pool did i mention its heated lmao

ava good 1 boys...............


Well-Known Member
private heated pool sounds good about now. friends like yours i want.

i got a dinafem blue widow free with my seeds so i might pop it in with the rest to see what its like


Well-Known Member
private heated pool sounds good about now. friends like yours i want.

i got a dinafem blue widow free with my seeds so i might pop it in with the rest to see what its like
Av had a smoke of some blue widow before, not sure if dinafem but it wiz fuckin lovely :-D