worried help


Well-Known Member
k so its around 1 month that my plants have been growing ...... one is doing really good healthy n all .... the other growing a bit quicker ..... but the first two leaves at the bottom have brown tips ... literally the tips ... what should i do ..... im usin 4 CFL bulbs .... and General Hydro < FloraMicro -5-0-1 _ FloraGro 2-1-6 _ FloraBloom0-5-4> ive got a feeding chart ... and with nutrients and water combined ... my ph is around 6.0 ... no more ....possibly less ..... do you think its possibly stress from when i transplanted ? or from any other stress ? what are your opinions based upon no pics ... cause pics wont be here till tonight and im really stressin out wonderin if its a big problem


Well-Known Member
also .... will i have to deal with these browning leaves ? or will the eventually fall off by themselves ?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Just as in nature leaves fall off. If there was wind that would take them away. Once it is ready to go, just put your finger under the stem or push on the leaf and it will fall off. I do this, lol Cause they look yucky. But normal for the bottom leaves. If there are many leaves going yellow and brown up the plant, then you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
I am assuming that your growing in soil, 6.0 pH is a bit on the low side. How often are you feeding them nutes? I've attached a feed chart, is this the one your using for reference? I use GH 3 part with diamond nectar and my plants are also showing signs of the burnt tips you describe, but my plants are in full flower and i'm feeding them a heavy dose now. I think It could be a slight case of nute burn. Also plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food. Removing leaves slows chlorophyll production, stresses the plant, and stunts it's growth. Remove only dead leaves or leaves that are more then 50 percent damaged.



Well-Known Member
yes, im using soil .... i have my nutes in a spray bottle and i spray 3 times a day at most .... morning afternoonish and a light mist when the lights go out ..... but its not always 3 times a day ... ill leave it the next day ... then spray the next again .. etc ... the feeding chart you attached is fairly similar ... except it doesnt have the week by week thing yours does ... and on yours its numbered as far as gro micro n bloom ... goes .... do you have to mix them specifically ... as in 1 ...... then 2 ... then 3 ?? .... i know you gotta mix them separaetly like 1 in then mix it ... then 2 in and mix .. then 3 and mix .... or can you jus put them in any order ..... also i know i should look it up myself but ill ask instead :) whats nute burn ? when you feed it to many nutes ( otherwise known as spraying it to many times )