Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
Im serious yessi, to my knowledge theres never been a girl like you on here. I just laughed so hard a little pee came out.
I'm a little bit on the mental side...most girls probably have better things to do. Like blowing dudes for pocket change or buying accessories for their cats...or whatever people do...haha

View count: 300 something! Guess the gang-bang worked.


Well-Known Member
Oh balls, I can't see that picture. I'm getting FOMO. Is it good? Super funny?

I bet I would laugh. Fuck...

Um...describe it. Is it a cat stuck to a fridge? Or something stuck to a vagina? Ooooooh the possibilities.

Why the butt won't my computer let me see it?
I tried to copy the image but it didnt work so i just uploaded


Well-Known Member
So where do I install this pussy magnet?
Ooooooooh a CAR...hahaha.

Funny that a car gets people laid. It does, I agree. Just funny.

I can honestly say, never have I ever banged a dude because of his car.

This also gave me a new idea for a thread title...