Worst Election Ever

Yeah it's really worth watching! Zinn sounds interesting too, will check it out thanks :D

I really really hope we manage to turn this whole mess around - but I think it's going to have to come from the people themselves not politics, that game is skewed irreparably. I see the occupy movement as a first practice round in that direction. Can we stand together? Can we turn our backs on what is expected of us and do our own thing, the things that are healing, not destructive?
It's going to take courage, and resourcefulness. The more of us go ahead, the easier it will be for us all :)
I wish you would post in here more often.
Aw thanks, actually I never come here usually haha but I was looking to see if there was a thread about proposition 64 here, just read a really scary article about it :(
Slowly but surely, shit is getting sorted out. Once Cali passes the rec law, all the others will quickly follow suit. Take everything you read in here with a grain of salt.
I can't even believe what the country is tolerating anymore.

A candidate is out there saying that if he wins, he will jail his opponent - but if he loses, the election is rigged.

I wish I could fast forward the whole fucking thing to November 29th.

But what about Sanders..has everybody forgotten? This was the ORIGINAL sin.

DNC colluded with Media to make certain Sanders would never succeed the anointed one, the one earmarked and destined for their ticket..trouble was they were FORETOLD that Clinton could only run neck and neck with Trump at best because of her unpopularity. Sanders would have been a landslide at 30+ points higher than TRUMP.

During this primary:
  1. Tried to smear Sanders campaign by suggesting they tried to hack Clinton campaign DB with the very same issue Sanders tried to bring to light 6 month prior to breach. It was well known one could access the others DB on the DNC server. Hell, I received EM from Clinton even though a year prior I unsubbed her, with all my current Sanders info (address etc)..wonder how she got it?
  2. DNC collusion with Media resulted in blackout of Sanders.
  3. Media stopped exit polling ,it was showing everyone voting for Bernie yet somehow Clinton would win that state. Unsurprisingly, those states had no paper trail.
  4. Media would report state results when other contests in other states still going on in order to sway voter opinion.
  5. Voters in line were turned away when they had every right to cast their vote legally.
  6. DWS the hag that she is..Clinton's BFF do you REALLY think she had no knowledge? DWS orchestrated everything. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I can't wait to vote down ballot for her republican opponent, Joe Kaufman who Bernie supports.
  7. Wiki leak over DNC EMs..is that not enough to convince you what a conniving bitch she is?
Why are we letting this slide? Why do some people get prosecuted (Martha Stewart) and yet others not (DWS, Pam Bondi)?
But what about Sanders..has everybody forgotten? This was the ORIGINAL sin.

DNC colluded with Media to make certain Sanders would never succeed the anointed one, the one earmarked and destined for their ticket..trouble was they were FORETOLD that Clinton could only run neck and neck with Trump at best because of her unpopularity. Sanders would have been a landslide at 30+ points higher than TRUMP.

During this primary:
  1. Tried to smear Sanders campaign by suggesting they tried to hack Clinton campaign DB with the very same issue Sanders tried to bring to light 6 month prior to breach. It was well known one could access the others DB on the DNC server. Hell, I received EM from Clinton even though a year prior I unsubbed her, with all my current Sanders info (address etc)..wonder how she got it?
  2. DNC collusion with Media resulted in blackout of Sanders.
  3. Media stopped exit polling ,it was showing everyone voting for Bernie yet somehow Clinton would win that state. Unsurprisingly, those states had no paper trail.
  4. Media would report state results when other contests in other states still going on in order to sway voter opinion.
  5. Voters in line were turned away when they had every right to cast their vote legally.
  6. DWS the hag that she is..Clinton's BFF do you REALLY think she had no knowledge? DWS orchestrated everything. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I can't wait to vote down ballot for her republican opponent, Joe Kaufman who Bernie supports.
  7. Wiki leak over DNC EMs..is that not enough to convince you what a conniving bitch she is?
Why are we letting this slide? Why do some people get prosecuted (Martha Stewart) and yet others not (DWS, Pam Bondi)?
So, you aren't going to support her when she wins?
Donald Trump, Slipping in Polls, Warns of ‘Stolen Election’





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Oh my. They are setting us up the same way they did in the debates with the on-line polls. What a fucking coward TRUMP! is. Arranging his bail-out parachute for his disastrous defeat on Nov 28th. As if this sort of polling would be in any way valid. TRUMP! supporters will proudly answer YES, I VOTED FOR TRUMP! like Cathy Bates in "Misery". The rest of the people will steer clear of them. Like Breitbart's polls, "Stop The Steal's" 'survey' will show a 90%+ vote for TRUMP!

The worst part is that it will give people like Enema-Pie(Putinist) new cut and paste fodder for the next four years. UGH!
