Would a 100,150, 200 mesh, etc. bag stop roots?


Well-Known Member
Just a random thought I had, want to get some opinions on it. I was just curious if you had, lets say a 25+ gal DWC tub with 4 spaces, could you use a fine mesh bag, say something in the 3-5 gal range, to contain the roots of each individual plant? I've been trying to figure out a way to have separate root zones/keeps roots separated in a shared res. and this seemed viable at first glance. Would the fine root hairs eventually just plug it up? I'm thinking it would be on there for about 10 weeks or so, clone to finish. what ya think? I think the nutrient solution could pass freely , maybe have a feed line into the top of the bag to promote flow through the bag.


Well-Known Member
I use old insect mesh on the bottoms of my worn out old pots, to keep the roots in...does good, should the roots ever stick out, they get air pruned, I suggest give it a try and report back


Well-Known Member
I use old insect mesh on the bottoms of my worn out old pots, to keep the roots in...does good, should the roots ever stick out, they get air pruned, I suggest give it a try and report back
I'm in DWC...not soil. I like air pruning in soil, awesome root structure. But I'm looking for a way to keep roots separated in a common reservoir.


Well-Known Member
What about if you placed a smart pot with an airstones in it under each plant in yur res. Never done it before but I too have thought about it. As long as the smart pot doesnt deteriorate or throw off the ph that much I feel it'll work. Just throwing out ideas maybe get ya thinking in a different direction. If you figure it out post yur success!
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