Would a 1000w in 20x15 room w/ air conditioner need ventilation?



I've got 2 bedroom home I'll be moving into in the next few months and will be using a 20'x15' sized room for growing. It's an isolated and private spot, so I'm not worried about odor or nosy neighbors.

This will be my first indoor grow, but I've grown outdoors before.
I prefer the privacy and amount of control with indoor set-ups.
I can only afford one 1000w lighting system right now, and would like to know if I would need any inline ventilation or exhaust system in the room if I have a 6,000 BTU window unit and have oscillating fans circulating air within the room.


Well-Known Member
I would guess you wouldn't absolutely need it to control temperatures in a room that size. However it's always nice to have it. Also, that light is not enough for that room so maybe you should consider buying a grow tent or atleast a light rail.