Would all Irish growers please stand up!!


Fallen Buckshot

ahh nothing better than a fattie with a nagan of whiskey with the boys .. then off for a good bowl of stew


Well-Known Member
I'm not from Ireland, but my father's family is(I'm over half Irish though when you include my mother)

I still have family still over there and visit at least once a year. Its a beautiful country, the people are friendly and hilarious.

I'd move there if it was warmer year round and less rainy

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah my moms maiden name was sullivan and my dads crowe both irish. i looked up the coat of arms for both names pretty cool.


Not a grower quite yet got a mate cooking some up, 3 Easy Ryders just so sick of the gritweed knocking about Ireland its an epidemic.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
man thats fucked up ive heard of grit weed and soap bar hash that kinda shit would not fly in cali not for a second. the worst we have here is brickweed but i have not smoked any in ten years or so but its at least real weed.


Well-Known Member
hi guys im growing two early misty outdoors that are suprisingly doing really well around the five foot mark, they need re potting but i would rather wait untill i know they were ladies or not. also got 3 feminized voodoo by dutch passion under a 250 watt envirolight just starting to flower now. anyone had any sucess growing outdoors over here?
p.s why is it every time i go on to a irish growers thread people end up talking politcs? im sure there is a politcal section here if people want to talk politcs. i want to talk to people about growing weed. just a thought.


:weed:good 2 c a handful of home growers on home turf have 3 babies goin myself 1 2' bushy and flowering like crazy at th minute. th other 2 about a metre and just moving into th flowering. keep it up boys


im not even irish but my aunt and uncle lives here in youghal by cork and my uncle grows and he does like the markets making crepes french pankakes and everyone on those markets in the south grows


Well-Known Member
hi guys im irish and been here all my 21 years. have a mexican sativa growing in a wardrobe close to 6ft first grow it looks streched about 3-4 wk flower now will post up pics soon. is maith liom weed lil bit of irish ha.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
hi guys im irish and been here all my 21 years. have a mexican sativa growing in a wardrobe close to 6ft first grow it looks streched about 3-4 wk flower now will post up pics soon. is maith liom weed lil bit of irish ha.

Good shit man, keep it up :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hay I was accualy wondering if there were maney irish growers on this form.

How maney accualy live in Ireland tho?

anyone try an outdoor grow?