Would it be acceptable to assume...

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I found my dog dead when I was a kid and did cry like a bitch. I remembered I stayed home that day because I was so upset. The dog was 16 years old and was there since I was born. She was sick though and could barely move that whole week so I knew it was coming. And at least she wasn't in pain anymore. That's another thing about cats, I never feel that close to them. They're just there and walk around, jump on things, shed everywhere, bother my allergies, puke, and crap. Then they occasionally sit by you or rub up against you but it's just not the same as going on a walk with it or something. Cats are more like big hairy hamsters and the house is their cage while a dog is more like a kid without as much hassle :blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah dogs are like dumb people lol

this past summer we had a close call with my dog
she had an intestinal disease and came real close to dying
when i saw her hooked up to the IV i started crying like a bitch
i have had her since i was 12 and im 18 now
its gonna be weird when i move out let alone when she dies....


Well-Known Member
Cats for me....they're fun to have around (except for half hour ago when one puked on my bed) and you don't get too attached to them. It's sad when they die, but just sad.
Every dog I had eventually died and it hurt like hell. I wish dogs lived to 100 years, you could get one when you're born and it would be there when you die.
Sorry if I sound cynical, I'm 58 years old and have lost way too many pets, friends and family members...........It hurts like hell and the pace is picking up.
That's enough, I'll go cry in my beer.


Well-Known Member
where im at i can only have cats. i never really liked cats growing up, we had outside cats but dogs were more my thing. but now that my girlfriend and i have our own cats. i have enjoyed having them around, especially the stoner one. she smells me smoking and is right on my lap waiting for a hit.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
My one dog eats his own shit and my other dog's shit if I am not there pick it right up, lol. That is not even the grossest part, it is when he barfs it up, now that is nasty but I still love my dogs, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

i have seen my dog eat cat shit
but i would still cry like a bitch if she died
no lie


There's treachery afoot
I like cats as long as they are in somebody else's house. Can't stand them sneaking around, jumping on my kitchen counters and puking hairballs on my hardwood floors...and....just can't do the whole litterbox thing. Had cat scratch fever (no shit) as a kid and still have a scar from the surgery to prove it! Litter boxes are really smelly to boot. Dogs rule...they don't jump on my counters, puke on my wood floors and....thank God....they don't use a litter box!


Well-Known Member
Cats puke alot and if they have a litter box its a bitch...They also tend to ignore your ass if they are in a mood.

Funny thing about them is if they get pissed at you they will ignore you LOL...they are without a doubt interesting cats

but I prefer dogs.


Well-Known Member
Gotta say dogs all the way:hump:...we have a 1/2 red nosed pit and 1/2 border collie/australian shepard....just doesnt feel the same going camping, to the beach, or riding down the road with a cat stickin his head out the window of the car....might look cool though if more cats did though:mrgreen:.....:peace::joint:

