would really apreciate some help!!!

never checked ph. usually water wen top two inches are sorta dry,, around every second/third day, ive been thinkin ph aswell tho. cheers for reply


Rebel From The North
ph is most inportant and will cause all kinds of funky looking leaves, even plant death. and as for watering stick your finger in the medium and see if its dry. water before it gets real dry
but let it get alittle dry, and dont flood them though. good luck
yeah i know man, alot of my mates dont bother with ph but im starting to get the fact that its important and needs to be done. +rep


Well-Known Member
i have never checked my pH...ever! not sayin that its NOT a pH prob what your tree is suffering from , but i think it looks overwatered


Well-Known Member
looks like combo of overwater (leaf curl) + maybe ph off (causing nute difficiency issues - discoloration). your cheapest bet is to pick up a $15 all-in-one soil meter from a garden store/home depot/wallmart ... etc. these can test soil hydration, light and PH. I usually water when it says 3-4 (meter range of 1-10) and the probe inserted to @ 3/4 pot depth. for soil grow, keep the PH of your water @ 6.2-6.3 and you should be fine (to pre-PH the water before watering your girls, either get test strips @$5 or a water PH meter @$25 for a cheap one), I think the lemon skunk might even like a lower PH @ 6.0 .... not positive though, I'd need to search around. use the search function for other grow journals and you should find a happy PH level.
hey thank u very much mate, yeah think its bout time i got soil meter, sound advice and thanks for taking the time, +rep


Well-Known Member
overwatered and overfertilizing.
How much nutes are you giving them in what type of water?

You'r pH should be fine with your gear and you could tell when the plant need to be watered by lifting the pot and see if its heavy.

In any case you should not need to water more than once every 5 days in this stage. If you really need to water that often you need to transplant into a bigger pot.

With the Lemon Skunk in your setup you should get the solution to around 6.8pH. You'r ideal pH is 6.5 and when nutes concentration builds up the pH will drop a bit.
But your soil should buffer those slight gaps without a problem. If you start getting mag def. you'll know your pH is off, until then you'r fine.
it gets 2ml one of grow one of bloom in a litre of water, today was gona put just two of bloom.
spot on mate, thanks very much +rep


Well-Known Member
2 of bloom is the maximum you should use in the whole cycle.
At your stage you should 1 biobloom and 1 biogrow every second watering.


Well-Known Member
It's PH and Over watering. All you'll need to do is first off foliar spray with PH'd feed for a few days until soil gets almost dry and make sure when you water the PH is 5.7-6.0 and they should bounce back fine


I would say either PH as everyone has said and over watering. IMO invest in a moisture/PH combo meter. They are cheap and I use my moisture meter all the time. You also said that they are covered in pre-flowers, so they might be root bound. Normally this causes plants to slow or stop growth, but I have had leaf loss that I was sure was caused by being root bound. Other than the stretching your plants look good.