Would something like this...


Well-Known Member
I dont see why not... its a surge protect with the light socket conversion plugs and Y's.... go for it, shouldn't be a problem


Well-Known Member
I am positive it will work, regardless of what your surge protector says, without a fire hazard. If anything was to go wrong, the surge protect is there to kill the power.... thus the reason they are called surge protectors...


Well-Known Member
I am positive it will work, regardless of what your surge protector says, without a fire hazard. If anything was to go wrong, the surge protect is there to kill the power.... thus the reason they are called surge protectors...
That's a bit naive.. It's surge protector, it protects your electronics from surges (sudden increases) in power that may fry sensitive components, not dumbasses who plug in too many appliances. They can still overheat and catch fire without tripping the breaker if you are using them above their rated capacity.


Well-Known Member
No, not with low wattage cfl's, but that's a far cry from "..regardless of what your surge protector says.." Most power strips do nothing in the way of fire protection (some do, but they're much more expensive), don't spread misinformation, somebody might burn their house down listening to your bad advice.


Well-Known Member
LoL if you burn your house down cause you cant use common sense then don't hold my comments responsible.... I was speaking directly to this question, not to anyone using a surge protector.... Geez isn't there something better to do than nit pick a comment. I mean if it is all about helping people go answer some grow questions. I can say with 110% confidence that no one will burn their house down cause of my comments.... So go help some people, don't hang on every word i say please......
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