would this work..prolly not


Well-Known Member
could sum1 buy potassium pills and nitrogen pills and chop them up and mix wit water then water the plants...could that benefit the plants


Junior Creatologist
why would you sayit wouldnt work?? if the pills are water soluble pills, if mixed with water, i really dont see why it wouldnt work. I mean, im no super expert or nothing, but plants suck up water, and anything in the water that is put there by us, acting as nutrients. If he were to use a water soluble powder form of potassium and nitrogen, i dont see why it wouldnt work as long as it mixed with the water to create a completely liquid solution with no granules or anything....


Well-Known Member
Take into consideration.... binders.. the shit that holds the tablets together... do you know whats in them ?? I don't.. plus a 20-20-20, $7.00 has that.... ??


Junior Creatologist
i only know a little bit about a little bit, but as far as the binders go, they woudlnt be completely water soluble, would they?? if not, just take a strainer out and strain out the bullshit, and work with just the shit that completely dissolved right away...


Active Member
This is cool because I'm actually trying a similar experiment with my own plants. I used a One A Day Maximum tab, crushed up, dissolved in warm water, strained through a paper towel, and added just a tiny bit of what all came out to a spray bottle. I have what appears to be phosphorous and calcium deficiencies, so I'm going to see if these help. I also have MG all purpose that I'll be using on the other two. Check out my thread, I'll keep it updated.
