Would tRumps death/assassination be a national holiday? If so what would you call it?

Right. But you're the one who's afraid of gay people. I'm sorry you can't accept your sexuality. Must be hard being so worried you might suck a dick. Just accept it and gobble down dude. Take a walk on the wild side.. doo, da doo and all
is that your in consciousness? Sounds like it.

ya should go ahead and click report on me, as always. don’t want to get to offended lol

is that your in consciousness? Sounds like it.

ya should go ahead and click report on me, as always. don’t want to get to offended lol
I dont report buddy. Also I'm secure in my sexuality. A picture doesn't trigger me unlike yourself, princess. I don't even care about your political stance. I'm fucking with you because a fucking picture hurt you this bad you little bitch. Bucks pic is a fishing net for idiots just like you. You got no real argument so you go at the pic. Youre weak dude.
I dont report buddy. Also I'm secure in my sexuality. A picture doesn't trigger me unlike yourself, princess. I don't even care about your political stance. I'm fucking with you because a fucking picture hurt you this bad you little bitch. Bucks pic is a fishing net for idiots just like you. You got no real argument so you go at the pic. Youre weak dude.
Same goes for all you idiots that are hurt by a picture. Here's a pic to actually be mad about.. unless you care more about bucks avatar than the fucking president
images (13).jpeg
Do you hear the choppers yet. No, well that's because they're using their stealth helicopters, and surveillance drones. They've been waiting you for awhile anyways though. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you don't have a reason to be.
I thought Dear Leader was just using the choppers to disperse peaceful crowds protesting the systemic racism in our nation.
Fake News!
Gay jokes.. someone is feeling reaaaaal secure about their sexuality. Be careful dude, you might slip and fall on a dong throat first

These clowns from the right are the most repressed closeted weirdos around, just look at their leaders. tRUmp the pedophile, Pence, McConnell and Graham have been a open secret trio of in the closet penis lovers. There are many more examples in top GOP leadership and their supporters. It's almost like a secret gay mafia that pretends to hate gay people, sad and disgusting at the same time. They bash gay people during the day and suck dick in secret at night, I think it's part of the GOP platform that you have to be a huge hypocrite to even join the party.