Would two HPS be better then one?


Active Member
I currently have a 400 HPS that Ive used several times for grows. I came a cross a 150 watt HPS for $1.00:-P. Would it benefit my grow to use both lights?


bud bootlegger
just wanted to add that more is not always better, and yes, you can have too much light sometimes.. i'm not saying that adding a 150 hps to your grow is going to be too much light, but say you've got a 1k light and only a 2 x 2 area or so, than it would be too much light for what space is there..
but so long as you've got enough space that is going to be able to benefit from more light, and your temps aren't going to get all out of whack, by all means add more light..


I've been reading a few threads and articles regarding spectrum vs Lumens and it's respective efficiency - in that much of the energy with HPS and MH lighting is simply heat energy as well as much of the spectrum being in the 500-550nm range that isn't used by the plants in great quantities (more wasted energy).

I know I'm just a n00b here, but would it be better to run say a 150 MH (bluer spectrum) along with your HPS, or some T5s with varying red/blue specific spectrums? I figure that running T5's parallel with HPS would give a nice even spectrum, along with avoiding the creation of added heat issues...