Would you stay at a resort on the Moon?


Well-Known Member
I love thinking about this idea. It wasn't until this year it hit me that this might just happen in our lifetime without a doubt (unless your pushing 60+ and on). If you don't think this will happen, I suggest swallowing a reality pill and look at the figures.

http://www.virgingalactic.com/ is something some of you might have heard about on the news. This will bring competition to the table, followed by great innovations and eventually the most important thing, an affordable price for you and me. By 2040 a round way ticket and a week at a hotel on the moon all for a couple grand per person. Not bad huh? But, would you go? What things would you want to do on the moon?

All I can say is, I want to be the first person ever to get baked on our lunar friend :D Just chillen in your moon hotel room, looking out the window at Earth high as hell... I couldn't think of anything greater.

(note: i wasn't under the influence of anything at the time of posting this)


Well-Known Member
Ok, you know the work crew building the hotel will be smoking before ya. It is like toilets in a new home. You aint the first person to use em...

I dont think so because other than bouncing around at 1/6'ths earths gravity there isnt much to see on the moon.


Well-Known Member
Hellz ya i would go to the moon!
And do you know why rocks on the moon are tastier than rocks on earth?

cause they r a little meteor!


Active Member
I would go to the moon the first chance I got!

That would be fucking awesome! Imagine fucking a girl at 1/6th gravity, you could get pretty inventive!


Well-Known Member
for the amount of risk, theres not enough on the moon for me. although the view would be sweet

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hell yea man..It would be so sweet to one day go to a moon resort or whatever..i would like to rent a space in there for about 6 months and grow some moon dope ass ganja...that would be my biggest have to do in moon goals....:peace: