Wow I really F***ED up...advice needed


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of the chop.

I decided to only manicure some of the buds for each plant which amounted to being the tops of most branches.
The others and sugar leaf trim will be used for edibles and FECO.

I'm drying in my grow space with the exhaust fan on (intake fan off) and an oscillating fan running inside.
It's holding around 60 to 65% rH and low 70's.

20150514_094931.jpg20150514_164224.jpg CHOP201502.jpg IMG_6871.JPG IMG_6872.JPG IMG_6873.JPG


Well-Known Member
I am noticing with the hanging basket that the side of the bud laying flat starts to flatten.
It's all for personal use and giveaway to friends and family however if I was a commercial grower for "curb appeal" I'd opt for hang drying.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I am noticing with the hanging basket that the side of the bud laying flat starts to flatten.
It's all for personal use and giveaway to friends and family however if I was a commercial grower for "curb appeal" I'd opt for hang drying.
In my opinion most commercial growers will wet trim for instance 5 years ago i did 1200 plant outdoor grow, to give you a idea it was 800 pounds wet / 200 pounds dry 6 trimmers 3 weeks later working no more then 8 hrs a day .. Cause usually around 7 hour people get sloppy..
There is no difference in either way, its what works best . In some places people can dry out door in most cases we chop 2nd frost .. its to cold to dry, also with rain in fall.
For indoor ?? I personally find wet trimming then on screens reason its less handling and less trichome loss ..
rather then pulling all the big fan leafs off hanging plant and having all the bud leaf curl in fall into buds , its really a fucking mess . and now your handling buds even more which means it gets damaged
wet trimming your fingers on stem
Hanging your pulling leafs off that are glued in bud sloppy really cause you never get most of the tips cut

And that is rather one of the most important things and what most people look at when there buying 1 - 2 - 10 - 100 pounds of weed ..
How much stem is there shake is in bag and trimming
A person with Experience can tell the difference from hand trim , hung dried , or machined trimmed


Well-Known Member
With the weather the way it is now I'm finding that 15 minutes of exhaust blower on and 45 minutes of exhaust blower off holds my grow room turned dry room in the high to mid 60F range and low to mid 60% RH range. That's about as close as I can get to 65/65 right now. I have an oscillating fan in there also at fulltime. My space is in the garage so it's affected a bit more by outside variations than a true indoor space.
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