Wrinkling leaves


I just planted my babies into potted soil yesterday that were in rock wool cubes and fed them a very weak 1/4 to 1/8 strength nutrient mix, about 100ppm. I am noticing on some of them have wrinkling of the leaves as well as some discoloration and minor curling. I just got the cuttings two days ago. I have been pretty diligent about pH of everything and I am using RO for all. humidity and temps are spot on as well as air flow, so i am a little stumped.

The clone store guy said he was doing 300ppm to them, but I didn't want to take a chance to burn them with a more potent mix. Is it possible they don't have enough nutrients?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
It looks like over-nutes to me, you may have started too soon with the nutes, I would suggest backing-off the nutes for awhile
Dr. Jekyll

Not trying to be insulting, but that plant looks like shit, pic 1 has a clipped off leaf and a hole, what the heck is that?
pic 2 , same thing, burnt ends and clipped off leaf, what are you doing to that poor plant
BTW: what are your "spot on" temps? as it looks like over heat issues as well
Mr. Hyde


well the clipped leaves were done by the cloning dude and out of my control unfortunately; i am not sure what that spot is...that is another thing I am concerned about. Temps are 76-78 during the day and 68-70 at night. humidity is hovering at 50-55%. I am going to hold off on nutes as you suggested for the next week and just water every 3 days.

for light i have a 400watt MH about 2.5 feet from them.

is it also possible that this is some transplanting shock?

thanks for you help in advance!

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Yup, give it awhile before starting the nutes, and only water when it needs it, let it get good and dry
Dr. Jekyll

Okay, your temps/humidity are great, and understand now as I didn't know they were clones, so it's just that hole in pic 1 that is bugging me, no pun intended but do look for the little bastards from hell
Mr. Hyde


yeah that hole is bothering me too, its just on one plant and one leaf...i am guessing it could be also due to over fertilizing too early?

thanks again for your super fast help on this!

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
The hole does concern me as well, as I have never seen nutes do that.
Dr. Jekyll

I would keep a very close eye for bugs, maybe get those tape/glue strips, just to see if you can lure any little whores from hell
Mr. Hyde