Wrong nutes?


Active Member
Ok, im confused about how you guys introduce Nitrogen to your plants... Do you guys use a liquid form?? Because i bought something that had like pellets and it was something like 12-0-0. I mixed a cap full into the top 2-3 inches of the soil. My plants are about 3 weeks old and i introduced this fert about a week after transplanting outside. Did i do the right thing???


Well-Known Member
You probably actually want fertilizer that contains a balanced NPK mix, but higher in nitrogen, for the vegetative stage of your plants. The time-release pellet-type nutes are low-maintenance, but you'd better get the dose right, because those bastards stick around for months. Since you've already done the deed, look around on the FAQ or elsewhere for other nutrients that are high in P and K to supplement what you've already put in there. Certain types of guano are good for phosphorous (P), and others for Potassium (K). Just take a google and figure out what you can find nearby.

In general you will find that experienced growers use nutrients in liquid form for ease of administration. Exactly which brand is right depends on your medium. Usually one is used for the veg cycle that is high in nitrogen and moderate phosphorous and potassium, while a separate bloom solution with lower nitrogen, higher phosphorous and potassium content is used for flowering.