WTF FL- Get your shit together!


Active Member
I have lived in many different states but none as ass backwards as FL. We have the most liberal RX'ing laws but when it comes to MMJ we cant grow a single plant. That shit needs to change. Every state ( to my best knowledge) allows anywhere between 4-12 plants if you are a licensed patient and or caregiver. Anyone else think our states laws suck with MMJ?
I have lived in many different states but none as ass backwards as FL. We have the most liberal RX'ing laws but when it comes to MMJ we cant grow a single plant. That shit needs to change. Every state ( to my best knowledge) allows anywhere between 4-12 plants if you are a licensed patient and or caregiver. Anyone else think our states laws suck with MMJ?
You must have never lived in Texas

Yes both states suck
It's up to the people of FL to elect politicians that are in support Cannabis
The FL people elected to leagalize or atleast make it medically available. It took them 18mo to figure out how to roll this out (no reason to copy successful states that are already doing it). They granted something like 14 dispensary licenses to some prominent farm families in the state and made it virtually polar opposite of what the people voted they want. The only ones allowed to grow are the dispensaries. So Regardless what we say we want, we get what they want to give us.
Move to California if you want really laxed weed laws. Or Colorado.
Id rather keep my shitty laws than move to CA lol. CO is beautiful but I moved to FL to escape the winters (midwest born and raised). Now I only see snow if its a planned snowboard trip or mountain hike if I can at all help it.
Start a petition to get a public referendum on the ballot. Then speak out about it publicly as often as possible. Always take your time and think about what you say and how you say it when speaking about this subject. You can get people to listen to reason when you speak in a reasonable manner.
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Alaska - more than 6 plants but fewer than 25 is a misdemeanor. Cops have to actually witness a misdemeanor to cite you for it. Nobody here gets hassled.
I have lived in many different states but none as ass backwards as FL. We have the most liberal RX'ing laws but when it comes to MMJ we cant grow a single plant. That shit needs to change. Every state ( to my best knowledge) allows anywhere between 4-12 plants if you are a licensed patient and or caregiver. Anyone else think our states laws suck with MMJ?
So glad I moved back to New York for this reason! Fuck Florida and it's shitty politics. In NY, I can LEGALLY start growing in November, but for now it's only for us medicinal card holder.