wtf is this normal


Active Member
Ok so I'm on my second grow 2 White rhino 2 lucid bolt and 2 big bud they have been under the mh on a 18/6 cycle for about 3 weeks now their 6 inches high and one of the big bud is already showing White hairs is this normal for this age and will this affect the size and yield of this plant


bud bootlegger
are they from seeds or clones?? if from clones, i'd say that they is perfectly normal, depending on how old the mother plant that they were taken from was...
if from seed, i'd say that's a bit early as i usually don't see preflowers till at least about 6 weeks or so from seed..


Active Member
They are from seed and I thought it was soon but they are definatlly White hairs and I'm planning to switch to 12/12 next week i'l try and get pics up


bud bootlegger
ehh, that's not really much you can do about it ... they show preflowers when they show them.. i'd just keep them on veg cycle for like a week or so longer to make sure that they are just preflowers and that they don't start to go into full flower mode on you ... if they did that, then you'd have some sort of auto issues, and it would really be something to look into and worry a lil more about, but if they simply stay at just preflowers, you'd be cool..


Active Member
so here are some pics of my baby big bud and you can see the white hairs on her so whats the verdict guys will she be a dwarf plant for some reason or will she grow to a decent height and decent yield100_0636.jpg100_0640.jpg100_0639.jpg100_0638.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here is my output:

Worst case scenario: something concerning your BB's genetics has caused it to react abnormally to the photoperiod, causing it to show early signs of flowering. Your plants could be stunted and the only way to get the best of this is to switch them to your flowering light ASAP

best case scenario: you have autoflowering big bud. Enjoy your early dankness :P


Active Member
its only the one plant that is showing so early the other bb isnt nor is the other 2 strains that im growing so if i change to the 12/12 cycle so early will this affect my other girls


Well-Known Member
its only the one plant that is showing so early the other bb isnt nor is the other 2 strains that im growing so if i change to the 12/12 cycle so early will this affect my other girls
Yes, it most certainly will. I suggest waiting up to a week. If things don't change by then, it would be best to separate the BB from the rest and flower it separately.