wtf...someone tell me what you think....with pics

man its been 3 days and my veg is blasting off. like 7 inches new growth (under 1000w mh's of course). curled leafs are doing they're best to straighten out. in my soil i have seen a big improvment also. i definitely had a cal mag issue. low leafs have stopped dying off on my moms (soil). everything is great (except powder mold!!!!!!!!!!!!!). if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of pm it would be greatly appreciated! ive tried spraying green cure, ed rosenthol, pruning, dehumidifer, higher temps, and neem oil (works the best) but nothing is knocking it out. help! thanks again guys!


Well-Known Member
I have heard any kind of milk will control pm......10% milk 90% water.....just spray it on your plants........I have no first hand experience with this,since I never (hope I dont jinx my self) had pm...I keep humidity on the low it and find out more info.....


Active Member
sulfur burner is one way. not cool in bloom, but early veg, yeh. its a great pro-active measure. I know some that do it once a week.

shit sure is a b!tch to deal with though at trim time.
Nah, new growth is snapping out of it and starting to look normal. Old leaves look very healthy and waxy and a brilliant green. I will up the dosage to 5 ml so should see another major improvement. I got a sulfer burner today too, gonna fuck this pm up. What about burning 2 weeks away from harvest if mold is starting to take over? Thanks everyone and good luck.