WW Aerogarden Pro200 Questions


Active Member
I am praying for my seeds to come soon, but until then I am doing alot of research. I wanted to know how long I should keep WW in vegetative state before I put it into flowering stage because I know it is a short plant as it is (also wanted to make sure that I should flower it for 7-9 weeks). I also wanted to know if growing with the aerogarden and an extra 150-200 actual watts of Cfls will be sufficient to do a 2-4 plant grow. Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
I got snitched on, my house raided and got 3 months house arrest now a year of drug court it sucks.


Well-Known Member
I got snitched on, my house raided and got 3 months house arrest now a year of drug court it sucks.
That shit happens when you break rule # 1

other than that were ya dealing ? If so thats another reason.. Stay clean and sober and hopefully the year will pass quick


Well-Known Member
No just personal. Iwouldnt have broke rule 1 but I let them stay with me until they got back on their feet and that's how I get repaid