Xbox kinect.... Freaks me out.


Well-Known Member
I know this is old but i just thought about it randomly. When i bought a kinect a while back, it sucked it is for children for the most part. Besides that the camera would follow you around when you walked by it. Just freaked me out. It does it even when the Xbox was off. I un plugged it and never used it again. I gave it to a children s rec-center by me. But that shit is creepy.


Well-Known Member
hmm never thought of that. That is pretty sketchy, if I get one I'm going to unplug and put a cover over that thing when not in use.


Well-Known Member
of course they could it would be like someone giving someone a teddy bear with a live camera in it

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Only worry if the kinect starts singing "Daisy".


Well-Known Member
It actually followed you when off?:shock:
well when you have something plugged into the usb of an xbox it will go into sleep mode. Example if i am charging my phone and I turn off the console it will still be charging my phone. So i think that's why the kinect wont turn off.


Well-Known Member
Does the camera record on it's own....? whenever it wants.......?

I dont thinks so but how knows. the image must be on because it has to recognize you to follow you. it only goes up and down but still creepy
