XGS-190, RW-150, DWC SCROG


Well-Known Member
Couple pics from day 28. Last pic is the small squaty OG SD in the right corner. Think it just got stunted because of the root rot. But it's pretty much solid bud already.
whats happening to your leaves man? Im having the same issue lol btw lookin nice, can't wait to see the results. the RW side really stretched, hopefully it fills in :) I thought the stretch was done on one of my sativas, and out of no where she grew even closer to my solarstorm, shes filling in though which is good I guess. None of the others stretched, it was interesting for my first grow! :)

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
whats happening to your leaves man? Im having the same issue lol btw lookin nice, can't wait to see the results. the RW side really stretched, hopefully it fills in :) I thought the stretch was done on one of my sativas, and out of no where she grew even closer to my solarstorm, shes filling in though which is good I guess. None of the others stretched, it was interesting for my first grow! :)
Nothing. Only leaves you see with damage are a bonsai tangerine dream in a solo cup I just threw in between the two totes because there was an open space after rearranging the totes. The plant needed to be fed when u first put it in. That coupled with the intense change of lightning from a 17W led flood light to 345W led and they brought out a small phosphorus def. Also, got a little wind burn from the oscillating fan too. Chunky diesel got a little wind burn too from being right in front of the fan.

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
ah I see. could you tell me more about wind burn? like what is it exactly?
Pretty much same way for plants as it would be for your skin. Sustained winds can be irritants, the stronger and faster moving the air the more prone. On skin it presents similar to a sunburn and in plants like nute burn or other problems. However if you look at the location and grouping you would see only vegetation affected is in direct path of the wind, also can see burnt up looking pistils too. On the Jamaican there are some rusty straight lines across a couple fans where the leaf was bent up flapping from the constantly wind. Think I'm doing my res change today and will see if I can capture a decent close up of what wind burn looks like.

Also should note since the other post makes it deceiving. I mentioned an oscillating fan. However it is stationary, not oscillating. So that's the reason for the wind burn . Too directional as opposed to spread. So like sustained winds of a hurricane so to speak in contrast to a brief wind gust. Hope that makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
Pretty much same way for plants as it would be for your skin. Sustained winds can be irritants, the stronger and faster moving the air the more prone. On skin it presents similar to a sunburn and in plants like nute burn or other problems. However if you look at the location and grouping you would see only vegetation affected is in direct path of the wind, also can see burnt up looking pistils too. On the Jamaican there are some rusty straight lines across a couple fans where the leaf was bent up flapping from the constantly wind. Think I'm doing my res change today and will see if I can capture a decent close up of what wind burn looks like.

Also should note since the other post makes it deceiving. I mentioned an oscillating fan. However it is stationary, not oscillating. So that's the reason for the wind burn . Too directional as opposed to spread. So like sustained winds of a hurricane so to speak in contrast to a brief wind gust. Hope that makes sense.
awesome man. thanks for the reply, I would enjoy any pics. im pretty sure I understand what you're saying. sweet info, I think ive been battling that fpr a while now and had no idea, I got the brown stripes on fan leaves near fans but only some, mine are stationary as well. Guess it's a pheno thing ha

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
awesome man. thanks for the reply, I would enjoy any pics. im pretty sure I understand what you're saying. sweet info, I think ive been battling that fpr a while now and had no idea, I got the brown stripes on fan leaves near fans but only some, mine are stationary as well. Guess it's a pheno thing ha
Oh for sure, different plants are going to more or less sensitive. Here are some pics of the wind burn.


gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Figured might as well get some more pics while I was at it so you can see more. Day 31

Tall plant with the wind damage like pics 597 is the sour diesel and chunky diesel. chunky is the large one.

The yellowing plant is the Sweet tooth and the plant with it is the tangerine dream they were hit the hardest by the rot. TD was really put back it went almost dormant for about 2 weeks. pic 601


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gk skunky

Well-Known Member
More pics. Last is that little tangerine dream bonsai in the solo cup I added in. It didn't get a chance to acclimate.



Well-Known Member
goddamm, so many plants haha despite their minor setbacks they look so frosty for a young age. that's crazy your TD almost went dormant, I didnt know they could do that! thanks for the surplus pics! :) I now am going to adjust my stationary fans as I think they have been getting windburn for awhile lol my buds haven't changed much in last week so they better not be dormant either :)
edit: I still cant get over how healthy they look and the leaves just being covered. That tall giant you got makes me laugh. he's just like "fuck you all!" as he shoots up to the light lol

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Only reason the TD did that was because pretty much its entire root system got destroyed by root rot from initial transplant into net pots. So just like if you took a cutting during early flower then kept under 12/12, or just trimmed most of the roots back. Plant won't really do anything growth wise until establishing enough roots. Reason I got the wind burn. Had to turn the exhaust down to keep humidity up and increased air movement in the room. So that burned one plant and kept the TD holding on. Give and take. Rushing to do something never works out quite right. LOL

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Pics of the little moms that have been kept under the 17W. I took 25 cuts last week.

Pics 622-23:left sour diesel, right galaxy.
pics 624-25: left glass slipper, right sweet tooth
pics 626-27: left Jamaican D, center headband, right chunky diesel
pic 628: tangerine dream



Well-Known Member
Only reason the TD did that was because pretty much its entire root system got destroyed by root rot from initial transplant into net pots. So just like if you took a cutting during early flower then kept under 12/12, or just trimmed most of the roots back. Plant won't really do anything growth wise until establishing enough roots. Reason I got the wind burn. Had to turn the exhaust down to keep humidity up and increased air movement in the room. So that burned one plant and kept the TD holding on. Give and take. Rushing to do something never works out quite right. LOL
ohh, damn root rot. at least they still look good! and lol ya I've noticed that too, find a lotta bumps in the road later on.
nice milfs ;) they sure took a beating.
sweet bud porn. getting bored in the garden is fun, you notice a lot lol makes me wish I has a forest of em! :weed:

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
About 2-3 weeks left. Spread things out a little more so I can use the full 2x4 space instead of 2x3.

Here is everything else I typed up on growkind. If you wanted more info.

Did some rearranging. got rid of the slow just wasting space plants in the 3rd tub that were hit so hard with root rot. Which only came to about an 1oz and some hash. Rest of the plants are looking fine and should make up for it. Other than some issue with pH due to these damn canna nutes. Heads up guys if you want to use RO water or have to because you use a water softner and can't get a hold of potassium chloride pellets instead of sodium chloride like me... Use advanced nutrients. AN is designed for RO water. If you use tap use Canna. Canna is designed for tap apparently and doesn't buffer well with RO water. Kept having pH drifting up to 6.4 or so. Finally figure out that if I'm using canna in RO I need to be using Cal mag plus and also setting my pH to 5.5 first, well after letting the nutrients equilibriate for 1 hour. Which according to canna is not needed if using tap water, the pHing that is. IDK, I'll see this next round after these girls finish up. I was under the impression it was just as easy and user friendly and brainless as AN. LOL So just monitored, took notes, and tinkered a little as needed.

So far main observations of using Canna vs Advanced sensi 2 part, which are both supposed to be pH self regulated. AN I used to the T to the bottle instructions, in coco though. Beautiful results with minimal effort or head scratching. Actually none. Same with the vegging in DWC. As soon as I started using the canna Mg defs started coming in and I supplemented a little. Which then came back again a little earlier than I'd like to see it rear it's head. Mixing per instructions I was getting some slight burn, so had to adjust the mix down,currently running around 8ml/gal and coming in total around 850ppm. Other than that only issue was pH drifting up. Until I went to add the PK 13/14, even at a lower dosage I only used 2ml/gal. Now 2 of the 4 plants are showing Ca def now. I've come to the conclusion that cannazym does more bad than good. I think I will only use it to soak hydroton in for enzymatic digestion prior to cleaning and re-use. Seemed roots were in the best health when I used less of it. Rhizo seems to really to it's job, but too much cannazym and it seems to really negate the effects of rhizo.

So next round.... Will be using cal mag from the start and adjusting pH to 5.5 after 1 hr and see how it plays out. No cannazym. Just the base and rhizo, with cal mag, and H202. Then I'll use PK for one week in flower and probably use up the rest of my bud candy just to get it out of the way.


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gk skunky

Well-Known Member

Day 43 pics. All look like they are approaching harvest in about 10 days, except the chunky diesel. That thing is super fat and still going strong. Not even a single red hair and trichs are still ramping up. Compared one of the chunky d colas to a 1 litre water bottle. Last 2 pics are the plants in the solo cups.

