XXL Budbox,2 600w HPS,10 White Sharks,Lets have fun


Well-Known Member
tough break, consider using soil, ive left mine for a week without a water in soil with no ill effects.

get your journal up and running again with your new seeds. +rep for perseverance!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, well some sort of good news 4 plants survived 1 is lookin really good considering i chopped most of the dry nodes off i will post some pics when i can but here is a pic of the next lot to go in, they arrived today i ordered 10 x feminised white sharks again cos i like them an i think i was doin good, and i got 6 northern lights x big bud free with them so might throw a coupla them in, dunno what seed brand they are.....

Anyways i will post some pics as soon as ive got stuff setup, thanks again everyone for all the nice comments....:fire::fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
shit man sorry to hear about your loss and your bust.

keep the lights on them and water they should rejuvenate here soon!

+ rep so you feel better!


Well-Known Member
I just ordered again on Monday and almost went with Greenhouses new color coated indica fem packs.... But I couldn't get away from WOS legends collection.... So I ordered their fem Afghan Kush and Star 47... A lot more expensive but the finished product is through the roof.. Then went with Greenhouse for Fem Trainwreck and Alaskan Ice.... YES YES YES.... I am going to see for myself if it's all it's cracked up to be.... I'll follow you shark and I'll show you some pictures in a couple weeks of some of the strains out of the vertical room.... Watching chunks of candy develop all around me has been amazing.... Reminds me of Willy Wonka's Gonga Factory..... Other than the BLUE MYSTIC from NIRVANA, everything is pretty amazing, but the BM is straight Garbage.... Would never ever grow it again.... Might just be a bad batch, but a taste that will never leave my mouth for sure..... Looks like dirt-airy-mex-shit....... Anyway, I will post soon for you shark... You have been good and patient, keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
where did u order ur seeds from?!?..i got minbes from dr.chronic..but im sketched to order from them again cause i heard so many bad post about them...


Well-Known Member
Attitude....use 420 code for 10% discount.... HUGE SELECTION... delivered safe everytime in 7 days or less, so far.... if you know my screen name then you will know where they make it to in those 7 days


Well-Known Member
Ok hi everyone, lemme just reply to some comments....

To Crippledguy

Thanks for the comments dude and im over the plants dying now an im looking forward to getting back to business

To Lostcoastlocal

Thanks again for the comments ive only ever tried greenhouse seed co and the plants were healthy and grew well so i used them again, but as i grow more and more i am gonna experiment with some more strains/seed companys....

To Gnome Grown

I ordered from dr.chronic and they have never given me any problems, ive actually been to the shop and they are very nice people and they also gave me 6 free seeds to experiment with when i ordered...

To 420swed

I let the plants try and revive for about 3 days, 5 of them did and 5 didnt so i chucked them in the bin, i had to cut off a lot of dead leaves and stalk on all of them so they are pretty bare but 4/5 look really good again, the 5th might get the chop to make way for a ew plant soon but i havent decided yet, as for the pebbles/root matter i just put them in a black bag and dropped them in a public bin about a mile down the road, i also sterilised the pots cos they smelt a bit....

Ok so anyway here is where i am, i have 5 plants in the flood table but i may chop another 1 because it aint that great, i will update with some pics when i get a min tomorrow...i havent germ'd the new seeds yet im going away for a couple of days so i want to do it when i get back, also there are some final pieces of equipment i need to get, so i wanna get them aswell.....also im moving out in 3 weeks so the setup will be very different it will be 4 flood tables and loadsa plants....



Well-Known Member
"lil tip"
to quote multiple ppl..just click multi on every person u wanna resond to and on the last person clock quote and the page will pop up for u to type to everyone..lol :)

btw i live in u.s. and i ordered from dr.chronic and got my seeds in 7 days after the order!..i just heard a lot of bad post from people living in the u.s. getting fucked..


Well-Known Member
Sorry i havent posted in a while guys i will be doing a long post very shortly, quick update, 6/10 seeds germ'd and have started growing, 4 are still to breach the surface, and the 5 other plants are doing really well they have really picked up.

I kinda messed myself up though i wouldnt have minded putting the 5 mature plants into flower but im going to have to wait for the seedlings to catch up unless i can find a way of dividing my budbox into 2 seperate lightproof rooms, im thinking a mylar curtain but im not sure if i can eliminate all light and this would be a problem, anyway pic update soon so keep tuned......:peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Just use Panda 6mm... No light unless you don't seel edges
well enough...... If you wait your canopies will be way different and hard to get light down in... Not to mention herb starts slow from seed and then around a month old starts to blow up... I would say you are looking at nothing but problems if you don't flower your big girls now.... But that's just me


Well-Known Member
yea hes right you dont wanna wait that long
Should of thought about that before! haha but thats what happens with your first grow you have trial and errot and you learn from you mistakes dont germ any more and cycle out the ones you have once those are done rebuild a divider with door!


Well-Known Member
yah dude panda film is the shit!..but if u cant get it..just divid it with a piece of ply wood or some shit then mylar the walls..if u have extra cash panda film,duct tape,and staples work great!

Zen On Wheels

Active Member
Sounds like you're doing fine. 70% humid sounds a little high? Keep an eye on the guy with brown spots but don't panic yet. Can you get clearer pic?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're doing fine. 70% humid sounds a little high? Keep an eye on the guy with brown spots but don't panic yet. Can you get clearer pic?
someone hasnt read the thread threw:cuss: anyways i was thrilled looknig threw your thread up until i saw what happend, keep strong dude! cant wait to see what yyou do next


Well-Known Member
Hi all, sorry i havent posted in a bit been so busy with work and trying tio get things back on track, and also mky internet at home is playing up so im having to go elsewhere to post......

Ok so heres the update, i will update with some pics later tonight, i managed to save 6 od the plants which i left to veg for 2 weeks, and they fully recovered, lovely fan leaves and plenty of new growth, and they are about 50cm tall now which is good....

So out of the 6 plants 1 was topped and has 2 main colas now with loads of growth, they are unrecognisable compared to the 'dead' photo i posted when i came back from the weekend away...all the rest of the plants have plenty of growth and have reacted very well.

I switched them to 12/12 to flower them on saturday, so 4 days ago now, and i have noticed they have started stinkin out my budbox which is great, also i have noticed some small white hairs growing out of the nodes so im keeping my fingers crossed that they will all be ladies as they were feminized seeds, although i am keepin my eye open for any males which will be put to the sword if they need to be.......

I also brought a Sunmaster Dual spectrum bulb, however it is mainly a HPS with very little blue light, and it also emits 90k lumens which is amazing...ive also changed the watering schedule so it waters once during lights off and every 3 hours during lights on.....

As for the nute tank, i switched to Canna aqua Flores when i switched to 12/12, and i upped it to 150ml of each so 300ml of nutes in a 90 litre tank, it came back as about 1.6ec im not sure on the ppm but i will check and post later, and the plants seem to be loving it...no nyute burn and hopefully a lot of growth....

Anyways, sorry for the lack of recent posts i will be updating again every 3-4 days with pics, does anyone have any comments

Are my plants likely to hermie due to stress from them almost dying??

Should i look out for anything in particular with regards to the sex of my plants?

Any comments are always welcome, and thanks for looking everyone..........:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry forgot to mention, only 6/10 of the new seeds germ'd and a coupla them looked f'd, so i just got rid of all of them and im gonna finish this grow with the 6 plants, im still hoping if they all turn out to be females to get close to the 500gr/m2 quoted on the website, although this is gonna be hard lol........:peace::peace::peace::peace: