XxNinjaxX's ScrOB (Cheese That Is)


Well-Known Member
Haha, u are a Dirty Ol Perv indeed DST. So u think if you build them up to it then they can take it alot better?

Thanks & +Rep as promised to those i could.
I would say exactly that. With plants more is less I think for any kind of plant. Sudden shocks and increases in chemicals (even organic) should be avoided. Soil/Coco mediums are fairly forgiving, but if I was feeding my girls to the letter like most of these fert bottles instruct, then I don't think they would be too happy. However, saying that, with the pk I tend to follow the instructions. It's all slowly slowly catchy monkey me thinks.

Laters bru.


EDIT: And of course, there is also the fact that you are effectively just changing the ratio of available NPK ...which is the whole crux of it I guess.


your plants look really well looked after nice growing man hope to c some uploads soon my three supper skunk plants been growing for a week now still supper small going will post some pics when they get bigger would like to c how your plants look at final stages of flowering nice big buds keep us updated with uploads please


Well-Known Member
Here are some photos for you guys to view :mrgreen:
Should show DST exactly how Cheesey this Pheno is..
Enjoy :blsmoke:

Some good detail in there, plus this is alot of resin for a plant that is only 24 days into flower. I cant wait to see what is in store for the next 39 Days bongsmilie

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
That is awesome for 24 days. They will be dripping by harvest.

The guy that invented macro zoom deserves a medal. Have you tried taking pics through your jewelers loop? My mobile doesn't take close ups for shit but it works nicely with a loop.


Active Member
damn! our crystal production is pretty close as far as development is concerned, not sure about distribution wise. if you got that over the majority of your plant, id say you got me beat. i can match you for good a portion of mine but its not very consistent. by the look of your first pic id say your starting to get the first swell going. am i right?


Well-Known Member
That is awesome for 24 days. They will be dripping by harvest.

The guy that invented macro zoom deserves a medal. Have you tried taking pics through your jewelers loop? My mobile doesn't take close ups for shit but it works nicely with a loop.
They are through a Jewellers Loupe.. My camera is 10MP, but has ZERO optical Zoom as it is my Diving Camera. Good for all sorts of shit, but Macro just ain't one of em..
Nice pics Ninja

worth the wait.
Cheers NG, more photos will come in a few days. I'll do another shot of the whole screen.
damn! our crystal production is pretty close as far as development is concerned, not sure about distribution wise. if you got that over the majority of your plant, id say you got me beat. i can match you for good a portion of mine but its not very consistent. by the look of your first pic id say your starting to get the first swell going. am i right?
Na no Swell as yet, I'm not expecting it to come until I start using a full dosage of the PK 13/14 in about another week.

Love the pics bro!
Cheers Buddy. I should come over 2 urs, we could have a sesh then I could take some photos of ur girls ;)


Active Member
Mann! Nice! My Cheese is giving me troubles, but plumping up, and starting to put out little trichs nonetheless. Smells of goodness! Props my man.


Well-Known Member
my BC frosted really early too.. altho there not developing the fastest size wise..

yo ill get back to u on ur pm man, im a bit biz atm.. funny tho cos i was only talking bout this subject not long ago but there were a few things about it that threw me off, like avoiding paper trails etc..


Well-Known Member
Mann! Nice! My Cheese is giving me troubles, but plumping up, and starting to put out little trichs nonetheless. Smells of goodness! Props my man.
I found the Cheese to be quite an annoying strain to keep on top of - requires alot of nuturing in their younger stages.. Should be some rewarding Dank in the future tho :-)

my BC frosted really early too.. altho there not developing the fastest size wise..

yo ill get back to u on ur pm man, im a bit biz atm.. funny tho cos i was only talking bout this subject not long ago but there were a few things about it that threw me off, like avoiding paper trails etc..
No worries @ all dude, get back to me when u can.. & like i said i didnt let the cat too far outta the bag, but i got all that sorted.


Well-Known Member
You are telling me, Pamela is good now she's established, but she was a pain in the arse to begin with....lol :-)
They are pretty easy going during flower according 2my mate that runs em.. Open to a bit of a potassium deficiency, but we won't let that happen with the power of PK 13/14 :-)


Well-Known Member
once i got my BLUE CHEESE back from my brother and got them going they have been fairly easy to grow. but when the are babies they are little shits.


Well-Known Member
3 More hours to go - this is dragging on :( I want to see my ladies, it's been 3 days.. I'm kinda expecting to open the tent and find em all keeled over & dried 2a crisp :-?


Well-Known Member
Been a few days now since i updated here, and that was due to 2 reasons.. 1 - I wanted you guys to notice a good difference & 2 - i havent been here to see the girls myself in 3 days :(

They are pumping along quite nicely now :D
The ScrOB is soaking up the 600W HPS, with some nice compact bud sites, and the AI is looking a little stretched under the 400W HPS, but all in all i'd say all plants are happy & healthy as i've seen no signs of any deficiencies.
I have had my temperatures sitting nicely @ 27Degrees Celcius, & humidity @ 40%.
Feeding Schedule is now a small amount of Flower Nutrients accompanied by a full dose of PK - 13/14.
PH has been set @ 6.1 & EC is pulling in @ 1.7.

Anyways, they say pictures are worth 1000Words, and i dont feel like droning on anymore, so time for the Eye-Candy.

The ScrOB:

AI Buds:

I took a few more photos than these, but im off to bed for now, so they will have to wait until tomorrow.
Enjoy :peace:


Active Member
I love how they are starting to plump right into each other and form colas now! That's gonna be some damn fine smokage.
Even though Cheese gave me a scare with a pH problem about a week ago, I think she is becoming a favorite because of her trichome production since day 16! Starting to learn that's a little more normal than I thought at first though. It gets more frosty every time I look at them. Definitely gonna be some good smoke.
Love the pics man!