"Y" Shaped Light Socket Splitters


Well-Known Member
What are these "Y" shaped socket splitters (to run 2 CFLs off of one socket) actually called and where the hell do you find them? I've scoured the lighting sections at Home Depot and Lowes and can't find them anywhere! HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
got mine at wal-mart in the with the lights they were hanging and in some little like box cost like 1.98 each. ask for help they should have them.


Active Member
I just bought some of these from Home Depot last week or the week before. I missed them at first too, but they're in the electronics section, right by where all the various plugs, sockets, etc are. Just look very carefully where the little boxes of plug ends are and all of that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, found them at Wal-Mart, but then also saw them later at Lowes. Very easy to miss them if you aren't looking in the exactly right spot.


Active Member
any hardware store will have them for $2 - 4$ i found mine at ACO for $2.50 and they can handle 660 watts


glad i found this thread i definatly need some of those. but does anyone know what the technical name for them is? cause when i go to home depot i dont really wanna ask for "one of those y splittler light fixture thinggys that you can put two bulbs in"

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
At wal mart they are called twin Socket Adapter. I have the packeage right her in front of me. It blue with white writing..


Well-Known Member
glad i found this thread i definatly need some of those. but does anyone know what the technical name for them is? cause when i go to home depot i dont really wanna ask for "one of those y splittler light fixture thinggys that you can put two bulbs in"
Haha yeah thats exactly what I ended up doing stoned as hell at Lowes... its so hard to find those fuckn things! So ridiculous.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
does anybody else notice how these things fit loosely into the socket? or at least mine do..