Yellow and brown leaves

Growing a Short stuff auto assassin in an aerogarden 7 pod. New grower but from what i can tell it looks like nutrient burn? The ph is controlled and its on basic aerogarden nutes. I just want a second opinion. Any suggestion is helpful. Its about 3 and a half weeks old104_0759.jpg104_0760.jpg.


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding her? and whats you ph level? It seems like it is a nutrient burn and a ph problem as well. but definately flush her completely and refill with ph'd water nothing else.


Active Member
not strong enough for nutes yet, give them a week of water and wait for a few more sets of leaves, then add a 50% reccomended mix of whatever your using and build up to full nutes in a few weeks


Active Member
maybe a ph problem or possibly a nute def. since your only giving them a slight nute dose. id check ph and maybe mist them w/ a weak solution of your veg nutes
well im feeding her aerogarden nutes and the ph is controlled. It never goes above 6. This morning i dumped the old water and put in a new gallon.
@Nate, Thats a good ass idea to mist with nutes lol. I never even thought of that.