yellow leafs and brown spots, stumped growth?

First time grower, I am using 5 gallon pots and planted them
Straight from seedlings. They are currently almost 2 months old
And are about 8 inches tall is this normal? I am using 4 42w cfl bulbs
And watering them with distilled water and no nutes. I have a fan on them
Constantly and the leafs are starting to turn yellow with brown spots
The few bottom leafs have died and fell off. They are receiving 24 hour
Light also, please help ASAP thx.


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
You should have been giving them grow nutes about 2-3 week after germination. Two months is a long to to go without food. Cut the light down to 20/4 or 18/6 so they can get a bit of rest too (plants release toxins at night). Its normal for bottom leaves to die off. Nothing to worry about.
Any recommendations on nutes? Somthing I can pick up localy and why are they
So short in height? Waiting till atleast 1 foot before 12/12


Looking healthy to me, bottom leaves drop after awhile. I agree too, try moving light to 18/6. Its good for the transpiration process.


I know this doesnt seem to make much sense, but i always get the most growth during the dark cycle. It is because the plants are reaching out, trying to find a new light source. If you were to switch to 12/12 now your plants would probably be 2.5-3 feet tall within a month (if they are sativas).

As far as nutes go, I use technoflora nutes and have had great results with them. I also add Liquid Karma during the bloom phase for fatter nugs. But if you ask ten different people what kind of nutes they use and how, you will get ten different answers. Find what works for you and your situation and roll with it.