Yellow tips that might be genetics? pics


Active Member
Hey guys,
So im 3 weeks into veg and i have 3 plants from Nirvana Indoor Mix. i have a 250w dual spec hps, temps are 70-78, water is 6.0-6.5pH and using 1/2 strength (2ml/l) biobloom. I water every 3-4 days when the soil is pretty dry.
Now, you will see in the pics that my older leaves are fine, but the new ones coming have this yellow kind of framing to them. Whats more strange is thats its happening especially to one plant of them all although they are all in the same conditions and switched around in location every few days. appreciate any kind of help/criticism :



Well-Known Member
i dont believe it is genetic, could be the ph in that specific pot or its mix is not airy.


Active Member
i dont believe it is genetic, could be the ph in that specific pot or its mix is not airy.
Hey im getting a Henna ph meter tomorrow to check the soil, i now checked the pot and it is way lighter than the others and very dry (the others are moist and heavy)... should i feed more nutes? i mean, does this look more like a defiency than over feeding?


Well-Known Member
my opinion only, i would give a slight feeding maybe bottom feed to see progress, the big leaves look great no burns, maybe p-k def, or iron def, maybe she's just thirsty :D


Well-Known Member
yes it enables you to add just a little still be able to flush away if she doesnt like it. thanks, hope it helps


Well-Known Member
This picture is caused by temperature changing from cold to warm, cold nights and warm days.

Some varieties, like equatorial sativas, don't take well to cold weather. If you can keep the roots warmer, the plant will be able to take cooler temps than it otherwise could. Also note that in colder temps, phosphorus gets poorly absorbed and if this happens your plants can show purpling of the leaves and stems, (cannabis has a natural purple color to it's stems, the deep purple is what shows the problem)this is the same example when plants change color in flowering when environment triggers cause the plant to change color, also genes play a role as well.

This picture below shows phosphorus being locked out due to cold temps.
(Photo Credit: TikTok420


Active Member
what would be considered cold? is 70f too cold? the most ive seen in my closet (i check almost daily) is 68f once i think... you think maybe this specific plant need a warmer home?


Well-Known Member
im not sure exactly every plants genetcis are diff try increasing it to 80sh and look for improvement


Active Member
alright thanks man ill try to bottom feed first since maybe to raise the temps would hurt my other plant if doesnt work its good to have another diagnosis :) thanks again


Active Member
hey guys i bottom fed last night and until now not much changed. I fed with biobizz biogrow (has more N than P-K but still i think biobloom will too much for now no?). the other 2 plants look ok and this plant is growing but a bit slower... should i feed again (maybe even with biobloom just this once) or will changes be slower than 1 day?

Learning all the time

Active Member
changes will take longer than a day but will usually start showing signs of problems or comeback within 36 to 48 hrs. (lumen shock is about 18 hours) why are you feeding a veg'n plant bloom nutes in the first place? you can mix the two to get the ratio you want instead of going back and forth on stuff. seems like too much everything to me. are you ever watering with no nutes? like just cal mag in R/O water, or just tap with no nutes added. I water my soil plants twice a week with nutes, and every day in-between with R/O and cal mag to about 300ppm, about 1200ppm tops with nutes. my first nute application is always half strength and that's usually not till about 3 weeks of veg in a one gallon pot, then i transplant into 3 gal pots for the rest of the harvest. I think adding things is going to hurt, try cutting things back for that plant first. it's easier to fix underfeeding than it is to flush and try and fix over fed plants.


Active Member
hey man i actually said im not giving any bloom nutes... i asked if maybe for the P-K i should add it for just this once, but i get it i surely wont until i flower. I am actually going half strength right now (you can see it with the pics in the first post) and watering every fourth day or so... until now i only fed them once and they are 3 different strains, 2 are doing very well and only this one is turning out this way... so anyone with some more advice? should i just wait or flush?

Learning all the time

Active Member
well watering every four days is probably one of the things that's wrong...even freshly transplanted clones with just roots out of a rapid rooter get water every 2 or 3 days for me, but to each his own. my bad on the misunderstanding on the bloom nute thing. i tend to read pretty fast. still no info on your tap water tds? how about the amounts in ml/l that half strength shit doesn't do anyone any good unless they know the full strength formula...and even then, if you don't know how many ml/l you're doin how do you know you're really giving them half strength...get the numbers, do the math, and if you want help, i'll be happy to help you with that. I have a tds pen and those nutes laying around somewhere, but now i'm an advanced guy.


Active Member
thanks again for the help man, but i said in the first post that 1/2 strength is 2ml/l... and you saying i should water more often? i can try that i just thought the best way is to wait till about 10cm deep is dry... also, i use distilled/mineral water... so i dont know if ppm would be a big issue here... any advice with this data? thanks again for taking the time...


Well-Known Member
wait some more time especially in vegging they grow slower. you sound like you havent been overfeeding. they dont grow out this fast :)


Active Member
hey guys just wanted to say i think it was actually the heat since i changed it a bit and bottom fed once with bigrow (has 2% nitrogen which means i didnt really up the N here so much) and my baby is looking up (seriously the leaves are pointing up with health :P) and the burn isnt growing further (even retreated a bit). Also watered again with 1/2 strength biogrow since then and she's looking great. So thanks again and
+rep to all that have helped :)