Yellow/Wilting leaves on a few plants


Well-Known Member
check the ph on the soil its prob just because of ph imbalance are you sing any kinda nutes?


Well-Known Member
its the miracle grow that type of soil has a time release nute system and a lot of times it burns plants, you need a good organic soil mixture or potting mix


Active Member
its the miracle grow that type of soil has a time release nute system and a lot of times it burns plants, you need a good organic soil mixture or potting mix
ugh, that's what i was afraid of... which explains why some plants are good, and others aren't. thanks


Active Member
how come did you not use miracle grow with all the plants?
Oh no, all the plants have been in miracle grow from day 1, what i meant was, some strains can take it, others cant... not all of my seeds are the same. Just random ones i had lying around.


Well-Known Member
The ph of the soil is not has important has the ph of the feed make sure that the feed ph is bang on.You will find that you are far better makeing a batch of feed up when needed once a week twice at max.Make a good size container full of water set at ph of 5.0/5.5 then flush the plants keep flushing till the water runs clear.Then once the plant's have been flushed leave them in the bath so all the run of can go down the plug hole.Leave them for at least 1/2 hours they may wilt a little in this time but if they do don't worry they will be fine.Then after a couple of hours make a new batch of feed up and feed the plant with the new made mix,This way you are takeing all the badness out and putting all the goodness back in.You also should make sure that the ph is the same every feed and flush and feed method about once every 2/3 week during veg and i flush every week during flowering.