Yellowed wrinkled leafes.


Hi people, ive been sawing these days how my little girls started having a yellower green colour,
almost all of the top, and some yellowing leafes at the bottom of the plants. Some of them seem like they are overwatered or something similar.
Heres some info:
Medium: Coco
Pot: 7L Pot
Watering: Ph 5.8 / EC 1.2 (Canna coco A+B, Calmag, Sensizym)
600watts, cooled reflector.
The girls are all Moby Dick cuts, they are on his third week or fourth week i think.
The pics dont show a lot the yellowing in the leafes, but trust me theyre like a nitrogen deficency, but 1.2 EC its a bit high i think, but dont know at all, each strain its different.

Theyre like the example b, almost c of the link.

Here u have the pics!
Lets treat these girls :DD



Well-Known Member
They look a little drowned ( or cold ). Let them dry out some.
What are your temps and RH ?
Too soggy will cause yellowing and curled leaves as does too cold of temps.
And your stem is starting to get that candy cane purple striping. ...another sign of too cold or too wet.
Usually it's too wet.


The temps are about 17º-25º and the humidity its rounding the 60%-70%.
ill try to fix it now :D Lets see if i can get the humidity between 55-60%
Thks for the advise


Humidity its now between 55-62% and they still seem yellow/green and had appear some burn spots.
Have been watered with EC 1.15 PH 5.9
Today ive measure the runoff, was PH 5.6 EC 0.30 to 0.50. Do they need more nutes?
Need help please!20150430_121722.jpg20150430_121737.jpg 20150430_121709.jpg
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Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Humidity should be from 40-55. 60 at most. Do not get leaves wet if your humidity is that high. Mold and rust can grow. Keep temps 65-85 degrees. Night time have the fan rotating, so it won't face the plant at all times. Do you follow nutes schedule and ml to gallon equivalent? I find that those ml to gallon ratios seem a little high for veg, remember that water ( aside from light ) is the most key part to a good healthy plant. Use purified water so you know the ppm is at 2ppm. That way your nutes won't cause a disfunction. Keep a journal and record every single little thing. Ph, temp, height, droopiness, light sched, nute switch, nute intake, flush, etc. So you know what to eliminate as a problem and to go back and know what not to do next grow. Take pictures everyday. It can be rust, disease, over water, no drainage, mold, who knows. You don't know unless you record everything you are doing. To go back to and cross out things you know you are doing right.