Yellowing Cotyledons


Active Member
Hey guys, first time grower here. Just got my doctor's note saying I can grow for my migraines woohoo.

Anyway, I have several different unknown strains, 7 still in their peat pods and one crazy bastard that's growing 3 times faster than the rest, so he's in a 6" pot even though he's the same age as the others. Indoors under florescent lights w/ a small fan to ventilate (pretty confined space). I keep the pods moist to wet with bottled water per Todd McCormick.

Two of the 7 in the peat pods have their two roundish leaves (cotyledon) curling down and yellowing. Otherwise it looks relatively good except the leaves are only light green. The funny thing is the guy said when he harvested the mother of the seeds, it was all green-yellow too. The stems are a deep red...time to transplant?

I also have one of them that has lifted the seed hull out of the soil, with the main stem growing into it and a weird mass of small green leaves, but then another stem/main growth thing has started growing out of it. It looks healthy but I dunno if this is an eventual death sentence?

Let me know if you need anymore to come as soon as I buy a camera.