Yellowing Leaves and Brown Spots


Hi all, ive recently got this problem with the little ones. They started yellowing up and seems like theyve got some little brown spots on a pair of leafes.
They are one OG kush and the other one its Auto Mikromachine.
They are grown in coco, they're today on day 29, have been watered with only Ph'd water at 5.8 till yesterday when they receive a feeding at 0.5 EC based on CalMag and House and Garden Roots Excelurator.
Temps are between 19º-24º and Humidity its between 50-68%.
I think they need some Nitrogen burst, but i dont want to overfeed them, i see him so little.
Any suggestion please?
Here are some pics, hope u can see what i see, sry for the quality :/

