Yesterday's mail


Well-Known Member
no your not
He cries more than others on here. He says he can't. He is a loser and will be a loser till he gets his shit strait.

Every grown person is responsible for their life and what they make of it.

I got shit wrong with me. I'm in pain most days. I can find d reasons every day to quit.

I won't. Beat with a board and I will be laying in a pool of my own blood and with my last breath I will say "fuck you!"


Well-Known Member
He cries more than others on here. Be says he can't. He is a loser and will be a loser till he gets his shit strait.

Every grown person is responsible for their life and what they make of it.

I got shit wrong with me. I'm in pain most days. I can find d reasons every day to quit.

I won't. Beat with a board and I will be laying in a pool of my own blood and with my last breath I will say "fuck you!"
what the fuck has his illness got to do with you


Well-Known Member
what the fuck has his illness got to do with you

I'm just saying people like my father survived cancer. Have you been around someone going through chemo and radiation? My dad almost died and still never cried. He got up every day and put one foot in front of the other.

That's what real men do not cry baby boys.


Well-Known Member
Craftybiatch post: 11452723 said:
You said nothing about SCIDS. You referenced Aspergers. My statement (which I stand by) is in response to your claim that Aspergers is a serious disease.
I am not mad at you I'm mad at the military veteran who thinks
he's better than everybody
otherwise known as
@whitebb2727 but seriously im not looking for pity you guys are saying stuff and I am responding which by ya'll for some reason is considered being a crybaby I try to live a happy life everyday and I do but im telling you that I am just not cut out to be a fast person.


Well-Known Member
Yup that's for the strept throat that comes with the fungal infection I have papers somewhere proving I have SCIDS
I will post a picture of them when I find the damn thing.
there winding you up luke...... You don't have to prove any thing


not you luke :)


Well-Known Member
man i fucking love being a good person!! Honestly ....... I revel in it and it is times like this THE FUUCKING BIGGER GUNS COME OUT ......... FUCKING GET ME

PS.... Your answer no has allready been predicted