Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

They're still the supreme court, whether we like it or not.
What you're suggesting is flatly fucking impossible without violent uprising.
When the Democratic party starts to flout the will of the supreme court because it isn't popular, it will cause the civil war some jackasses have been braying about for years now. There are some Governors who would jump at the chance to try to claim independence, to have a chance to wipe out the "libs".
There is no way to do this quickly that doesn't include death. Period....
Taxing won't do fuck all, people don't report the fucking things, why would they pay taxes on them? they can sell them person to person...when the tax man comes, tell him you sold it, here's your $20 tax on the deal. There are so many guns already in the country that banning gun stores wouldn't solve the problem, it would take decades to make any kind of dent.
If the federal government can restrict calibers and automatic weapons, the 2nd says military arms after all, not just guns and that means, swords, grenades, bombs, rockets and artillery too, all were military arms at the time of its creation. It would be hard for even this court to say black is white without playing a game logical pretzel on the floor in their robes. The same goes for the government's ability to tax guns or any other item they wished. The SCOTUS can only go so far until it looks really fucking stupid and illogical, but they already crossed the line of stupid and illogical with the Dobbs decision on abortion.
If the federal government can restrict calibers and automatic weapons, the 2nd says military arms after all, not just guns and that means, swords, grenades, bombs, rockets and artillery too, all were military arms at the time of its creation. It would be hard for even this court to say black is white without playing a game logical pretzel on the floor in their robes. The same goes for the government's ability to tax guns or any other item they wished. The SCOTUS can only go so far until it looks really fucking stupid and illogical, but they already crossed the line of stupid and illogical with the Dobbs decision on abortion.
You're taking a step that isn't there....Mention of a militia doesn't imply military weapons. The militia had to exist because there was no standing military to call on. The weapons belonged to them, not to the state.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
It will never happen but you can keep hoping. Canadians pay $65 for 5 years (PAL) and it seems to be working here so yes if you proposed a $11 per year to federally allow for ownership of all the guns owned, that would probably work. And not sure what your talking about re auto’s, that’s a provincial thing and registration is free in Ontario now ;). But you keep droning on with the tax thing over and over, when they can’t even limit mag capacity without a huge outcry, it’s kind of becoming a tad annoying knowing that it won’t work, for me anyways lol. But again, you do you lol.
This is an American solution constrained by their constitutional requirements, we don't have more guns than people in Canada and long guns don't kill that many people compared to handguns. Its purpose is to reduce the number of guns in America, something we don't need to do in Canada because we took responsible action already. Our problem here is smuggled handguns from America and to reduce that, they need to reduce the number of guns in American society. There are few ways to constitutionally do this, one way is by restricting the type of guns that can be sold and the federal government has this power. The other way to reduce the number of handguns is to tax them and require registration for taxation purposes. By restricting military assault type weapons and limiting mag capacities, you deal with that aspect of the problem and by requiring registration and taxation of handguns you reduce their numbers. Like I said $100 a year is not much for the average person to pay to own a handgun. There would be no registration or tax on hunting weapons and we both know what they are.
You're taking a step that isn't there....Mention of a militia doesn't imply military weapons. The militia had to exist because there was no standing military to call on. The weapons belonged to them, not to the state.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
That's right, it says arms, not guns and at the time arms meant swords, guns, cannon, rockets and grenades. A well regulate Milita means a military organization with all that implies, and arms today include fighter aircraft too, but they weren't around at the time of the founders, all the rest were. Just as the modern equivalent of a musket is an AR15, so to, is a M777 the modern equivalent of a cannon, ditto for rockets. They shall not infringe on a citizen's right to own a M777 or hand grenades either and that is where you have them by the balls and why the federal government can regulate these things, just as they can regulate guns, another armament. How effective would the territorials be in Ukraine with just small arms? Are the national guard units restricted to just guns, or can they use Javelins too?
It will never happen but you can keep hoping. Canadians pay $65 for 5 years (PAL) and it seems to be working here so yes if you proposed a $11 per year to federally allow for ownership of all the guns owned, that would probably work. And not sure what your talking about re auto’s, that’s a provincial thing and registration is free in Ontario now ;). But you keep droning on with the tax thing over and over, when they can’t even limit mag capacity without a huge outcry, it’s kind of becoming a tad annoying knowing that it won’t work, for me anyways lol. But again, you do you lol.
Budley, guns in Canada do not concern me, other than smuggled handguns from the states. I think we have adequate laws governing guns in this country and the federal government has the flexibly to make sensible laws. In America there are limited options because of the 2nd and the recent corrupt SCOTUS rulings on the scope of the 2nd. Any solutions to reducing the number of guns there must stay well inside the lanes of the 2nd amendment, including screwball interpretations that are far removed from reality.
Here is an example of how sick America is, that idiots can go about armed to the teeth and dressed like soldiers. It looks like a squad from the Ukrainian war attended FFS and what purpose does it have except as an act of terrorism? If these dumb fucks were up against a real enemy, they would simply set them up with a drag show and kill the works of them with a car bomb parked on the street. Death phoned in with a cellphone and dead well-armed and uniformed morons, they wanna play war, well, if some played with them, they would not last long. Already people are showing up well armed to defend drag shows and if the two groups should meet...

Like I said, these clowns are ridiculously easy to setup and kill in large numbers efficiently and if they keep this shit up, someone will.

Drag queen events are increasingly targeted by right-wing demonstrators

23,001 views Dec 5, 2022
Drag shows are no longer the underground phenomenon they once were. In fact, family-themed drag events are often held in many cities for younger audiences. But as the backlash and rhetoric against LGBTQ people has grown, so have the threats to the drag community. Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, joins Amna Nawaz to discuss.

Look familiar? How did these guys end up?


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Guns are a luxury item and I mentioned it along with not caring about the economic statues of gun owners, we are not concerned about it when it comes to owning a car or even a cellphone, why should guns be an exception? Seriously, lots of things are taxed and guns are not sacred or required to insure freedom, votes do that.

In America, putting a $100 registration fee and a $100 annual tax on handguns is not excessive, neither is banning semiautomatic long guns with a mag capacity of over 5 rounds. Most people who can afford a gun and ammo, can afford to register it and pay the tax. Gun owners should bear the financial costs of their hobby, or fear. Call it a tax of fear, if you wish, but increasing the burden, expense and liability of gun ownership is a sensible way to reduce the numbers of guns. It makes even more sense when you look at the demographics of gun ownership and the high concentration of hundreds of millions of guns in about 10% of the population. If you want to own 20 handguns, I'm not going to worry about you paying $2 grand a year in taxes to keep them. The government either gives you $100 for the gun or they tax you $100 per year to keep it.

Your idea sucks
People wonder about the ‘universal’ popularity of the AR15.

I think it has to do with penis dimension. I have a pistol with a 7-round single-stack magazine. I have another with a 15-round staggered stack. Single stacks & 6-round revolvers were way popular back before everyone got professionally scared: they weren’t weapons of war, being, well, clumsy and slow.

Once everyone who watched tv was terrified of street crime (“STREET CRIME!!!”, the headlines would scream), “stopping power” was on everyone’s mind, as 9mm became ubiquitous (except for Harry’s .44 magnum); but handgun discipline is a SKILL SET few bother to learn (posing in front of the mirror (or on Instagram) is no substitute). A handgun is easy to POINT, aiming is harder. AR15s, AK47s - now THOSE have BDE by the pant load! Don’t take a girly gun to do a man’s job of murder and terror, use THE TOOL OF THE TRADE! That’ll get the job done!

I feel so…confident…now: I can practice small-unit tactics in the back yard with the kids! Make up our OWN shooter drills! RULE TIK-TOK!!!!

Which kinda brings us to today. John Brunner wrote one of the best dystopian SF novels, Stand on Zanzibar. Among many other picturesque ills & disasters the world of SoZ is heir to, they have berserkers. The silicon switches inside people’s heads flip to overload, and they start killing others. More or less at random & spur-o-the-moment. It’s a problem. I think I want to dig that out & read it again (its ‘spiritual sequel’, The Sheep Look Up, is supposed to be even more challenging. I should dig it out, too: time I read it).

Something is VERY wrong, and the steps continually forced upon us (more firearms, fewer restrictions, less accountability) have unquestionably exacerbated the wrongness.

Like TruckNutz, but with a huge bodycount
Ixnay on reloading. Every rifle marksman knows that each gun has a peculiar favorite load.

Military competitive target shooters and sniper teams have loads made for their guns, which are bolt-action rifles.

I had a coupla specialist benchrest rifles. I tried dozens of permutations of bullet/powder/charge in each one before settling on a well-performing spec.

There was real pleasure in putting ten rounds through one ragged hole at 100 yards. Without handloads and home-prepared brass, the guns are not operable.
Ixnay on eloadingray?
People dying sucks too. Not a black and white issue though. Glad I don't live in USA. Just sold the only two pistols I ever owned, two months ago. Our countries leader has banned a ton of guns. Not popular where I live, with many people I know. I figure I don't need them anyway. Can use the money for other things. Other more important things, of which there are many. Just my opinion, you can tell me I suck too. I give not one fuck.
People dying sucks too. Not a black and white issue though. Glad I don't live in USA. Just sold the only two pistols I ever owned, two months ago. Our countries leader has banned a ton of guns. Not popular where I live, with many people I know. I figure I don't need them anyway. Can use the money for other things. Other more important things, of which there are many. Just my opinion, you can tell me I suck too. I give not one fuck.
Heard! Going armed all the time is like flying a flag outside your house: you ain’t the USO, chief, your bungalow isn’t a military installation or office of some federal department. Do they think people will assume they’re evil foreigners if they aren’t all RWB all the time? Does that flag rally your family to battle against the starlings & chipmunks? Will the MAGA SA/police burn them out for disloyalty if Ol’ Glory ain’t flying’?

Neither one is patriotism or protection. It’s performance…or they *genuinely* afraid that THEY THEMSELVES are in danger (from shadowy organizations like the TLA?) for reasons having to do with whatever. And if they’re THAT SCARED, the *last* thing they ought to do is be out in the streets that scared - and with a gun in their hand (clear & present dangers excepted, ofc)

‘Course, nowadays, law-abiding gun owners gunning down innocents - passers-by - for not knowing they were clear & present dangers to the chicken with the gun…
Even if their parents won’t let them marry so young?
(Eloading was more common in the past)

BTW - is that Blu-Ray Johnson you talking about?
(I had to look up who that is!)
(And I got it wrong even so!)

I was thinking Ray Orbison (bit o’license there) who knew his honey by touch and kept asking her to Braille out with him.
Your idea sucks
It's just an un brainwashed perspective. The sickness has become normalized in America and the price in human life acceptable. Even a minor expense and inconvenience is seen as somehow wrong when it comes to guns, nothing else mind you, just guns, because they are somehow special in America, why it even says so in the constitution! What would you rather have, registration, taxes and restrictions or dead school kids? The gun death rate is 23 times higher in America than in the EU, UK and other liberal democratic countries, it is 8 times higher than Canada, primarily because of smuggled guns from America. How many people need to die before those who own guns will admit their responsibility, in this ongoing tragedy?

My idea only sucks in America and probably among a minority of Americans too, other places don't bother with registering and taxing handguns, they simply ban them as the majority wants.
That's right, it says arms, not guns and at the time arms meant swords, guns, cannon, rockets and grenades. A well regulate Milita means a military organization with all that implies, and arms today include fighter aircraft too, but they weren't around at the time of the founders, all the rest were. Just as the modern equivalent of a musket is an AR15, so to, is a M777 the modern equivalent of a cannon, ditto for rockets. They shall not infringe on a citizen's right to own a M777 or hand grenades either and that is where you have them by the balls and why the federal government can regulate these things, just as they can regulate guns, another armament. How effective would the territorials be in Ukraine with just small arms? Are the national guard units restricted to just guns, or can they use Javelins too?
The federal government can not just say "we're banning this type of weapon." They have to pass a law. There are these really hard to deal with cocksuckers called republicans, perhaps you've heard of them? They've stolen several state legislatures and packed the judicial system with friendly judges.
How, exactly do you suggest we deal with that, in a timely fashion?
If you tell me "That's why you have to win the triple crown." Or some shit like that, i'm going to get just fucking incredibly upset...
We're already trying pretty fucking hard to do that, but they're trying pretty fucking hard to stop us from doing that. That tends to slow the whole process down considerably. We're aware that those people have to be dealt with, but we're trying to avoid what sometimes seems like an inevitable civil confrontation, perhaps a war. While I am willing to do what has to be done to preserve democracy, that doesn't mean I'm eager for the situation to arise.