Yet another CXA3070 build...


Well-Known Member
I saw that one, was hoping thee was one in between the 320 and the 60.
Thats a big jump!
How much efficiency is lost from dimming?
Also is the internal dimming (A) the same efficiency loss as the (B) version when dimmed?
And finally is the efficiency greater more the more it is dimmed?

Cobs efficiency goes up driver loses just a little. Not sure on the a vs b thing


Well-Known Member

I let these girls veg way too long so I wove the colas through the screen putting the major colas to the back with secondaries and the minors to the front. Now I think I may have very confused girls. Since this canopy was so messed up and figured, what the hell and decided to do a light comparison P600 vs Cree CXA3070. There are no parameters nor is this scientific, just playin, working out the kinks before I flower the White Rhino (seedling right now). Half the plant is under the P600 and half under the Cree light, can't wait to see and compare the final product...

I think this is going to be a goofy grow...

Oh, Stephen, the girls really do like the light, take a peak.

DSC_0097-001.JPG DSC_0098-001.JPG DSC_0100-002.JPG

I really like this shot...


Well-Known Member
Awesome looking girls you have there bassman
, what flavor are they? Mine is a final cleanup run of clones KGB.
Its a mix of clones
Back right is a Sour Diesel
back middle Headband
right front Blue Dream
left front Blue Dream
Left rear Double Dream.
I had a pair of each, but my back went out and I was stuck in bed 2 weeks and a few died.
My girl tried to take care of them, but she has never touched a plant before in her life.
They were all about dead when I came out to the garage to get to them.
I bought a tent and built this light and brought them inside over the last month


Well-Known Member
The light is a work in progress.
I cant do much still, and so I made it work, but not pretty.
I also have 2 CXB3070 3500K coming I am going to add in between the other cobs
Yeah, I want to see how things go with this grow but I'm thinking about adding to the blue spectrum and make it switchable for vegging. Just thinking out load!

I really like how the buds are forming under the the 3070's and I see another light in the future. Hope the wife's not reading my posts...


Well-Known Member

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Tim my friend how close from each other are your cob?
Maybe it come from this because I have some plants closer than that...6 inch and no problem...but my cob are 20 inch from each other!
hey bud, I am 12 inches on center, 4 cobs 12 inches wide apart and 12 inches width apart forming a square and my box is 3 foot by 2 foot, 6 square feet footprint,, the cobs are set at 10 inches today, and the plants look just fine, I think the other day they just needed to be watered,,


Well-Known Member
hey bud, I am 12 inches on center, 4 cobs 12 inches wide apart and 12 inches width apart forming a square and my box is 3 foot by 2 foot, 6 square feet footprint,, the cobs are set at 10 inches today, and the plants look just fine, I think the other day they just needed to be watered,,
I am running 1.62-1.65A (1650mA) each at 8-12" depending on top location in tent, and absolutely no issues so far