You know your too stoned when.......

When the night after a good bake your friends come over.

While getting something out of the fridge you hear, 'Dude did you know there's a bong in your fridge?'

Suddenly you remember that you didn't cache it out and had the brilliant idea to preserve the weed left in the cone by putting the whole bong in the fridge.


Pissed myself laughing! stare at the tv for an hour while holding your bong.... but you don't hit it. that happens to me almost daily.

I think we've all been there ... And no recollection of what it was you were actually watching the entire time.
You're wife turns on the netflix instant play and questions why there are 45 movies ready to play and every single one of them is a stoner movie.

when you turn a bowl and a straw into a cup because you ran out of clean cups and it makes absolute sense.

Don't even need taht straw man. drinkin from a bowl works just fine.

I never feel like I've been too stoned though, cause all the ideas make sense and work out in one way or another :blsmoke:

...except this one time. you know you're too stoned when you're outside a party talking to a girl, see the cops roll up, go "shit what do we do?" and when she say's "let's just go inside", you fucking follow here w/o thinking twice. And then end up getting busted. Rather than just WALK AWAY\

~Edit: It did work out ;)
When you're driving down this narrow alley, blazed as very equally blazed friend was with me in the passenger seat, and after I started heading down the alley, I put on the brake and was like, "OMG.....isssssss the car even on????" as I'm coasting along at 2 mph....

my friend then is like...ummmmm okay, Top Ten Things You Shouldn't Say While Driving a Car While Stoned.....

one of those had-to-be-there moments.

sitting with my sister (who introduced me to mary...thanks sis!) passing a bowl back and forth....we keep talking about stuff and catching up, so I don't notice that I'm stoned until I take a huuuge hit and after I blow it out i got so dizzy and tripped out I say, "That hit took me somewhere..."

we say it when we smoke together and laugh for an hour at least.... :)
You know you need to be stoned when after pulling an all nighter and popping a couple smackers, you wake up, call your best friend and proceed to try and explain the crazy dreams you just had in your 2 hours of sleep. He tells you to shut the fuck up and go back to sleep. I need a blunt