You know your too stoned when.......

t dub c

Well-Known Member
when all of your pants have burn holes in them from stairing off with the joint you hand, and not knowing till you smell burning, or cant move the joint because its stuck.

example one


and three

Haha, this happens to me all the time, it must be all the B.C bud.


Well-Known Member
haha another good one you guys are on a roll. You know your too stoned when you read a thread laugh your ass off, then remember you started it a long time ago. haha actually not that long like three months ago


Well-Known Member
When your smokin a blunt in your car and forget to roll your windows up while going trough the gas station car wash.......then burn yourself while scrambling to roll the windows up....and then laugh at yourself


Active Member
when you get chapstick and forget where you put it 2 seconds after you had it the get another one like 5 more timess and the same thing happensss lol


Well-Known Member
When you've been smoking herb and watching TV for the most of the morning, and eventually lose your lighter(even though you've been using it all morning). Search the living area for about 20-30 minutes to finally find the lighter(in the most unlikely place like inside the fridge, or the spice rack cabinet), then sit on the couch to start smoking again only to discover you lost the remote control in the process of searching for the lighter. . .


Well-Known Member
when you pass out next to a bonfire to keep you warm while camping in 10 below freezing, only to wake up soaking wet cause its been pouring freezing rain for the last hour. then you find the closest campsite bathroom and dry off with the hand dryer.

thats what i get for adding drunk to my stoned...


Well-Known Member
feed your dog too much steak then go to the movies and come home to a shit storm, shit all over good thing I have wood floors, but DAAAMN thats a lot of shit


Active Member
When your buddy gives you a ride to the bank machine and when you come out you jump into the wrong car,sit there counting your money and ask the driver what the F you waiting for,only to look up and see an 80 year old woman scared shitless.


Well-Known Member
You know you are too stoned when you cook a pizza with the cardboard still on the bottom.

BTW, I did this the other day and was like WTF??? I am not even stoned!!! Then I realized that they had placed 2 pieces under the pizza and I had only removed one...



Well-Known Member
When your buddy gives you a ride to the bank machine and when you come out you jump into the wrong car,sit there counting your money and ask the driver what the F you waiting for,only to look up and see an 80 year old woman scared shitless.

This might just be my favorite one so far


Well-Known Member
When your buddy gives you a ride to the bank machine and when you come out you jump into the wrong car,sit there counting your money and ask the driver what the F you waiting for,only to look up and see an 80 year old woman scared shitless.
That is classic!!!

closet grower

Well-Known Member
You are so stoned you have to go lay down in your bed but that doesn't help either so you get up and walk around the room, feeling the walls with your hands flat but no matter how hard you try... YOU CAN'T FIND THE FUCKING DOOR!!! then you start yelling for someone to help you and you watch them walk through the open door that you so desperately tried to find for the last 20 minutes...