You know you're a first time grower when...


Active Member
Just finished my first official harvest as a solo grower. Thought I would make fun of myself a bit by hacking Jeff Foxworthy's famous tag, without further adieu.

You know you're a first time grower when:

- You post the same question that's been answered a 1000 times...that day.

- You chop your plant at the first sign of your bud turning amber.

- Your leaves are every color but green.

- You still buy weed even though you've already harvested and cured your plants.

- You think CFLs can support 20 plants

- You don't have a feeding schedule

- Don't know how long you've been flowering

- You think LST is a psychedelic

- Post pics of your grow in fdd's outdoor grow thread :mrgreen:

- Buy seeds from Nirvana

- Think BC Seeds are legit

- Give advice on advance techniques

- You think Miracle Grow will do the trick

- You instantly become the all-knowing expert on everything marijuana.

and finally

- Smoke 10 bowls of your bud for a buzz because you don't know what the fuck you're doing

Ahh...gotta love living la vida toka, :joint:

Anyway...have a good one!

I totally hear (read you), and makes me wonder though, is it possible for a brand new noobie, to just pure luck out and get a fantastic harvest without any real work, time or money??? I suppose the same odds go with the lottery, but..........


Well-Known Member
if u learn right, you grow right. ima noob to indoor growing but ive researched so much I give advice sometimes if i know what im talking about usually followed with the link of where i read it.


Well-Known Member
If you waited untill week 8 of flowering to realize that the 9 different strains you grew all finish at different times and because you have them all in the same tray/reservoir you can't possibly feed some while flushing the others and now your going bald from pulling hair out of your might be a 1st time grower


Well-Known Member
that howd ya fix it?
lol..First I made a 2 pot DWC set-up out of a cooler..( sux, I loved that cooler) and tried to flush 2 at a time, but this only helped for those 2 and 2 more at the end! The rest I had to slowly decrease the nutes each week... some got harvested without a good flush...some I was able to harvest after a 2 week flush...and some got just water for like 4 weeks! But everything was pretty good for my 1st "real" grow, exept a few plants should of gone another week or so B4 havest. Now I stay with 2 strains in a cycle at a time. Oh ya, lighting was the main reason I couldn't seperate my plants...I only had the 1 tray and 1 light..and 1 grow see ya


Active Member
lol good post :) im a noob but i researched a shit load be4 doin anythin lol i had a few hick ups but its all goin well now lol

peace :bigjoint:


Active Member

I totally hear (read you), and makes me wonder though, is it possible for a brand new noobie, to just pure luck out and get a fantastic harvest without any real work, time or money??? I suppose the same odds go with the lottery, but..........
Oh of course. I'm just kidding with a lot of this. You can get it right the first time...easily.