You Know You're a Stoner if....

You know you're a stoner when your out of state bf acctually gets you to BELIEVE that talking for long periods of time on the phone makes it tough for him to get high while you , on the other hand, have no problem at all.


Active Member
You know you're a stoner when you hear words like "bowl, beat, bud, cherry, dime, fried, or hash," and immediately think of pot.


Friend: "Man, if I just had a dime, I'd go get a soda."
Me: "I know a guy, but he doesn't usually deal under an eighth."
Friend: "Whoa, what? I meant I'm a dime short of getting a soda."
*Awkward silence*
Me: "Oh.......Disregard my previous statement."
Now thats funny right there


Active Member
you know your a stoner when you start a thread or post in a thread and forget about it for a few months until you come across it.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
you know youre a stoner when you go to pack a bowl and instead pack the downstem. then realize that the bowl is already packed and sitting on the table next to the weed tray..... shit.


You know you're a stoner when you realize how many people would just chill out if they smoked cannabis

...and the world would be a better place...*sigh*
Haha I always find myself saying that after half the customers I talk on the phone with. "Daaaammmnnnnn that bitch needs to smoke a bowl"

I got some. I dunno how many have been done since I only read like half of these. lol

You know you are a stoner when you are constantly asking yourself if certain things would be more fun if you were baked.

You know you are a stoner when you have to add weed to list when you are trying to figure out your monthly expenses.

You know you are a stoner when everyone at the China Palace down the street considers you part of their family.

You know you are a stoner when the vet can tell you are a pothead by what names you give your pets.


Active Member
Haha I always find myself saying that after half the customers I talk on the phone with. "Daaaammmnnnnn that bitch needs to smoke a bowl"

I got some. I dunno how many have been done since I only read like half of these. lol

You know you are a stoner when you are constantly asking yourself if certain things would be more fun if you were baked.

You know you are a stoner when you have to add weed to list when you are trying to figure out your monthly expenses.

You know you are a stoner when everyone at the China Palace down the street considers you part of their family.

You know you are a stoner when the vet can tell you are a pothead by what names you give your pets.
Love mean my vet knows that I am a stoner because my pets are named Thai Thai and Kush?

You may be a stoner if, you find you have three different bowls loaded and ready to go at the same time because you were so busy drooling over what flavor you wanted...I usually find myself in this situation when I go to load another bowl and don't have any empty one.......then.....I have to figure out what is in each bowl and decide what flavor I want all over again!
You may also be a stoner if you just decide to try smoking a hit out of each bowl to see how the "combo" works.


Well-Known Member
if u have a tray from tacobell/bk in your car ready for rolls- I have a silver platter that i snabbed from chipotle :)


Active Member
You are a stoner if...before going on vacation to visit relatives, you pack up a box of little "presents" to send ahead...with instructions not to open the box until you arrive.....making sure you have added a little gift for yourself so you don't have to worry about finding bud in an "un-kind" state.


you know your a pot head when your neighbours call the fire brigade to your house after mistaken the plumes of smoke coming from your windows as a fire... true storie. they kicked my door in and found me and my 2 girl pals baked on the sofas.. I can laugh about it now but freaked out at the time


Well-Known Member
you know your a pot head when your neighbours call the fire brigade to your house after mistaken the plumes of smoke coming from your windows as a fire... true storie. they kicked my door in and found me and my 2 girl pals baked on the sofas.. I can laugh about it now but freaked out at the time
Damn dude...didn't they ring the doorbell first??