You Know You're a Stoner if....


Active Member
You know your a dry stoner when you scrape your bowls every night hoping for a glob a resin that wasnt there last night.

---that was a rough month.


Active Member
You know you're a stoner when you try to change the tv channel with the cordless phone! jeeezzz...


Active Member
..are sitting in your car pissed off, looking for your phone and your telling the person your talking to ON said phone, you are getting pissed because you cant find it. heh ^_^'''


Active Member
you cant remember what it is you were even trying to remember.........

or you really like windows media player when god smacked....


Well-Known Member
when the lights in your closet cost you TWICE as much money as the cloths that were in it...

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
when ug...hmmm...ummm...what?
When your glass pieces are cleaner than the rest of your house.
When you'll buy weed and worry about the rent later.
When the idea of traveling to the the fridge seems like a 3 day journey.

Sil Dil

Active Member
You know your a stoner when you told yourself you were going to read through every post so none of yours were repeats, than at page 2 your all you can think is " Fuck it I'm just posting my shit."
You know your a stoner when your living room table always has enough weed on it to hit a bowl, even if that means scrapping the surface with a card for 20 minutes.
A couple personal ones qucikly:
You know your a stoner when you crack and egg into the sink instead of the frying pan (my buddy)
You know you a stoner when your drinking out of the two litre bottle of sprite intsead of pouring yourself a glass and talking on the house phone. And when your done you put the phone in the fridge and the pop beside the phone charger (me, it was good bud =) )
Your know your a true and lifelong stoner when, after all those bowls, spliffs, or whatever else, it's still worth smoking for that 5-10 minutes of being high. (not suppose to be funny, honestly how I feel)

Richard Smith

Active Member
You know your a stoner when you cant with the help of god string a sentence together. or should i say thats when you know your Cabbaged.


OH fuck I'm only on page one of seven and I'm already crying........

.....reading this thread is like a standup fucking comic act right now.

I'd say you know you're a stoner when 99% of these fucking hilarious stupid acts are things you do on a regular basis but don't remember it until you've read it.