You Make Me Feel This Way


Well-Known Member
Here is a nice way to sum up how you 'spiritualists' are making me feel right now.
A nice story to sum it up:

It is like I'm thinking about a puppy with one leg that enters a dance contest to win money to pay for his mother’s medicine and he somehow makes it to the finals but he’s competing against another puppy and this one doesn’t have any legs at all and he’s trying to save his family from getting kicked out of their house but neither one knows that the dance contest is just a scam and the promoter left town with their entry fees already and they’re just dancing their little puppy hearts out.

Stop dancing like that puppies, you're going to make me cry.


Active Member
Here is a nice way to sum up how you 'spiritualists' are making me feel right now.
A nice story to sum it up:

It is like I'm thinking about a puppy with one leg that enters a dance contest to win money to pay for his mother’s medicine and he somehow makes it to the finals but he’s competing against another puppy and this one doesn’t have any legs at all and he’s trying to save his family from getting kicked out of their house but neither one knows that the dance contest is just a scam and the promoter left town with their entry fees already and they’re just dancing their little puppy hearts out.

Stop dancing like that puppies, you're going to make me cry.

You just love to fight, don't you? I don't think you'll get a response out of a spiritualist, though. This isn't a happy subject. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
It can't be a fundamentalist puppy then.
They'd reject medicine for prayer. And dancing leads to sin.
I think it's 'sex leads to pre-marital dancing'. Or dancing is just a vertical expression of a horizontal wish. Or some kind of ridiculous shit.

What ever those cute little puppies believed, they were all fucked before they started. Good nihilistic point. How does that relate to spiritualism?


New Member
BTW, my ink just nabbed the promoter doing the same thing in Phoenix and are politely bringing him back to discuss matters with the puppies.
