You Should Be Informed.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to keep posting but, i just finished this movie( sister's came home from school, i talk to them for a while when they get home) and wow, i reallly Thank you for posting this movie and it has really meant alot to me, thanks

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Pipe Dream if you find that movie hit me up, well posting it on this thread will be enough. For anybody that's interested in seeing this for themselves, keep an eye out in the media for this kind of stuff..or the guidelines or rules that this minipulation takes place on. See if you see them classifying the "poor" against the "rich". Just because they emptied out our bank acounts, turing our money and stocks and investments to nothing..literally robbing everybody..and now we're the "poor". lol. And then see how loud the media likes to yell at you..just watch..for some reason they all have to talk loud as shit so they can be heard? they're wearing fukin microphones, dont you fuckin yell at me. Even all the commericals are loud as shit, and they contain the most idiotic stuff, but im sure if its ammusing then it must be good advertising.

My friend came back from christmas break from the best state university, and i could tell that he did alot of drinking because he wasnt as insightful and just didnt talk in the same manner he usually did. He was himself of course, but it wasnt the same. I attend a good Community college (but will attend the same college he's at), but every time i visit my friends at that university, everybody gets fucked up all the time..but is that an accident, hell no, its advertised like you wouldnt believe and noone seems to care, if there wasnt a liquor stores all set up, do you think they would still attend that college?

Everybody's trying to dumb us down, close us off(choking us sublty), speed us up(especially), and turn us into perfect law abiding CONSUMERS...thanks for your time and plz dont let them stress you to an early grave..let the truth shine into your life..i bet you'll never hear the words "light" used fox news or whatever media channel you watch....but shhh, we must contain the big conspiracy, because if revealed the fabric of America will be ripped to shreds. lol yea right, nobody believes anything anymore, so score one for them, they've made a mockery of anything and everything so that the truth gets lost somewhere, anywhere, as long as its not on the surface of the the American subconscience. Don't let them yell at you
if i find it ill try to remember to holla at you I'm sure I could if I searcxhed my ass off for a few days it was astonishing. I can definately relate to the loud ass commercials. Especially on local TV I have to turn up the volume to watch programs sometimes and than when the commercials comes on it's blaring as loud as can be because they know we aqren't paqying attention to it. All the commercials are bullshit just tell me about your product or w/e but every single company is the best...switch to geico save money, geico customers who swithced to (insert insurance company name here)saved money etc. etc. And yeah no1 believes anything because it's so hard to determine what is real. "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" so true so true. The MJ market is the same they want to keep us from it because it's so good in so many ways it would bring wealth to otherwise poor people or rather it could. Not just medicine but hemp products they demonize it so that we can continue killing ourselves by cutting down rainforests for paper and manufacturing products and rigging for oil and buying medicine that is potentially lethal among othewr things. Seriously though watch the money masters....the markets crashing is designed not random.


Active Member
Even though I know there is some dirty dealing going on in our goverment, Do you really believe that We, I mean all of us, would not rise up if things were as dirty as you all want to think?? Don't you think that there are really smart people with lots of money and power on our side? or are we really that powerless? I have to believe that there are really no "SECRETS"!!! I think that with the age computers anybody can find out anything if you really want to... IT's Kinda like believing in the Boogie man!!! And if he does exist I would hope I do not need any help in protecting myself.... Peace


Well-Known Member
Even though I know there is some dirty dealing going on in our goverment, Do you really believe that We, I mean all of us, would not rise up if things were as dirty as you all want to think?? Don't you think that there are really smart people with lots of money and power on our side? or are we really that powerless? I have to believe that there are really no "SECRETS"!!! I think that with the age computers anybody can find out anything if you really want to... IT's Kinda like believing in the Boogie man!!! And if he does exist I would hope I do not need any help in protecting myself.... Peace
yes. i really think that there is some serious corruption and people arent rising up and acting on it because it doesnt yet directly effect their life. they're still watching tv, and partying and worrying about dinner, etc. people are completely unwilling to step outside their comfort zone and look deeper into things and learn about the corruption in the world governments. people would much rather be ignorant and happy.


Well-Known Member
yes. i really think that there is some serious corruption and people arent rising up and acting on it because it doesnt yet directly effect their life. they're still watching tv, and partying and worrying about dinner, etc. people are completely unwilling to step outside their comfort zone and look deeper into things and learn about the corruption in the world governments. people would much rather be ignorant and happy.
well said. as long as the masses are busy with work, bills, kids, college, sleeping, where will they find the time to rally for something meaningful. think about the revolutionary times. all they did was work, eat, go to the pubs and rise against king. to much to ask for these days.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
The new world order is upon us...

I actually own a hard copy of zeitgeist, I recommend the 2nd one more because it has solutions to problems.

You guys should all check out

Look up the obama deception by alex jones (alex jones gets alittle carried away with some things, but he is spot on with the buildaberg group and their deeds)

But for real watch the obama deception after you get done with zeitgeist 1&2


Well-Known Member
The new world order is upon us...

I actually own a hard copy of zeitgeist, I recommend the 2nd one more because it has solutions to problems.

You guys should all check out

Look up the obama deception by alex jones (alex jones gets alittle carried away with some things, but he is spot on with the buildaberg group and their deeds)

But for real watch the obama deception after you get done with zeitgeist 1&2
i'll look into that. i've also heard that the movie "endgame" is good too...about global slavery or something i think. i dont see the NWO as a conspiracy. i think they're completely and totally here and working on their agenda as we speak.


Well-Known Member
The Money Masters!! reallllllyy good. 3 hours or something though but good.

Check this website out.

It has documentaries coming out the whazooo.. everything from Quantum Mechanics Theory to War and Politics to Religion/Spirituality to Ancient History and much more.
lol some of them have a lot less credibility than others so beware. But most of them are good so browse through.

that and always have riveting lectures, discussions, and docs..

But watching and sharing videos is never enough. Get active. Go to and search for your local 'WeAreChange' (or better yet go to groups or other synonymous truth groups to get a little more productive.

And for any skeptics surrounding the September 11th, 2001 part of Zeitgeist. Please view this website when you have the time.

that and the forgotten 1st responders and volunteers w/ the John feal Good foundation &

Medical Professionals for A True Investigation into Sept. 11th/01

lol and that is all


Well-Known Member
I just want to agree with the guy about checking infowars, you should do it daily, you will get realy scared realy fast.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I just want to agree with the guy about checking infowars, you should do it daily, you will get realy scared realy fast.
Hahaha its hella true man. Infowars is some crazy shit, Honestly i have to limit my self to how much conspiracy i let myself look into cause it really can consume your whole life.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
i'll look into that. i've also heard that the movie "endgame" is good too...about global slavery or something i think. i dont see the NWO as a conspiracy. i think they're completely and totally here and working on their agenda as we speak.
Ya end game is really good, look up esoteric agenda to..

Also their is a new one i have yet to see, its called fallen republic

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Have any of you guys ever researched the annunaki? Or do you know anything about them?

For those that are skeptical about religion and want a more logical answer to mans creation and existance thats a topic in itself to research. Goes back to the ancient summerian tablets, annunaki directly translates to those from which the heavens came, those who came from the stars.

Interesting read to say the least.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Woodstock ive seen that vid on the annunaki and it is informative, But their is more detail to the story when you really take hour/days of researching... Pretty interesting shit.

2nd vid is pretty fucked, sad to think that the israelie military does that shit, we shouldnt support that shit.