You think pot heads are the easiest prey for cops? think again...


Active Member
Shit like this is why I hardly leave the house anymore.
That woman was not a threat.
The taser gun has killed quite a few people in the last couple of years. The fact they would immediately go to it for a elderly woman is weak.


Well-Known Member
I hate cops and I was in the Army with a bunch that are good friends. I love my buddies, but the cop side is a bunch of dicks. I am sick of them as well. Some day Americans will get their country back. Not in my lifetime, but less than a nut hair of a second in earths time.


Well-Known Member
As far as I am concerned everyones the same and I treat everyone the same. Bitch don't wanna listen, you gonna get tazed.


Well-Known Member
Lazy & untrained is what that is. And you know that douche is at the bargaining table every time contracts come up, demanding a higher salary for an oh-so-dangerous job. Even if Grandma was a raving lunatic, unless she threatened him physically with a weapon, a cop should be to restrain an old woman without using a taser.


Well-Known Member
As far as I am concerned everyones the same and I treat everyone the same. Bitch don't wanna listen, you gonna get tazed.

but the thing is everyone ISNT the same. an unarmed grandma who is old and frail doesnt.... or shouldnt... cause the same level of concern as an armed (and fit and healthy) serial killer.


Well-Known Member

I know this is an old thread, but I just saw this video last night, and was going to start a thread about it, but found that we already had one!

Talk about excessive force, I can't believe he tazed that old lady! Yeah, she was giving him an attitude, but she's a fucking 72 year old woman! And he's a pretty big boy, he really felt threatened by that little old lady? I mean, shit, he could have killed her.

If that were my grandmother or great grandmother I would want that cop dead.


the cop "gang" has more guns, power and voters. so fuck um and as far as that pissed off old bitch is concerned at 72 with anger issues well fuck how'd ya like her on your ass when cruizen on your scooter. too many bikers have gone down for me too feel bad about it .


:clap:well that was fun . now , can anyone out there please (good manners)Tell me how to get legal ? ie: to grow, sell, store, and smoke marijuana.