Young Clones Drooping....Help Please!



I purchased some cataract kush clones 2 days ago. There are about 4-6 inches tall. Some had visible roots and others did not. I transplanted them into 5g pots with 707 soil and gave them some water and by the time I was done with all of them, about half started drooping. Now 2 days later a few look good and perky but about 7 of them are drooping really bad. I just put clear glass cups over all the drooping ones after misting them because I read to try to keep them humid to help rooting.

Is there anything I should/shouldn't be doing? Please help me! First time dealing with this small of clones.


Well-Known Member
Odds are the ones that are perky had visible roots.
Just let them be. Once they start establishing roots they will come back.