"Your child should speak SPANSIH"- Barack Obama!


Well-Known Member
I think the military, DEA, and such shouldn't have near as much money as they do and it should be handed to schools.

Americas future isn't in either of those, its in the schools.


Well-Known Member
I think the military, DEA, and such shouldn't have near as much money as they do and it should be handed to schools.

Americas future isn't in either of those, its in the schools.
Until the human race decides to become a Utopian civilization, there will always be a need for a military. The DEA can be destroyed, its useless.


Well-Known Member
Until the human race decides to become a Utopian civilization, there will always be a need for a military. The DEA can be destroyed, its useless.

Yes, but our military is over funded by far.. (It ain't just the war in Iraq doing it but look at how much is on research and buying arms.)


Well-Known Member
Yes, but our military is over funded by far.. (It ain't just the war in Iraq doing it but look at how much is on research and buying arms.)

UMMMM....dont think so... I served in the military and I know first hand that it is not over funded. Look at what the personel are paid. I lived from pay check to pay check when I was a member. I saw where supplies could not be obtained, thats just the tip. Now, is there misappropriation of funds; yeah more than likely. But you are pulling this off topic. Lets keep to the topic of the OP and if need be start a new thread for this.


Well-Known Member
i would in a heartbeat:twisted:. its the way most private schools are(1st - 8th grade)though mine taught me french. a few have latin in there as well and go all the way up to geometry and pre calc. during this age a childs mind is very malleable and it works for a nation who's education policy might not be the greatest. if you dont agree, take responsibility and teach your child yourself. i love my parents but they would have never been able to teach me french as i still correct their english every once in a while.

y seamaiden, soy latino tambien, naci en la isla pero me criado en el noreste
Ah... :D (Lo creo usado la palabra no correcto "estoy", es "soy", si? :lol: Espanol no es me lingua primera), en San Juan? Tengo familia.. como se llama.... por encima la isla. En el noreste, en el sureste, en el suroesta (mis abuelos son en San German, cerca Iglesia Porta Coeli), y en el noroeste. Y en Guayama. Hay nada en Guayama, si? Me encanta. :)
(Estoy practicando mi Espanol, pero no es bueno. :roll: Yo tengo mi diccionario por aqui!)
Education is a major political issue for a candidate since there is a possibility that the candidate could reside over a very powerful position for almost a decade. that could be someones 1st - 8th grade... i do agree though with you on the lesser of two evils thing. both front runners are spokespersons for a greater political party, of which there are two sides. we need a person above that bigotry
I would expand upon that and state that education is a major issue for everyone, ESPECIALLY as our population ages and we come into greater global competition with China. If I had had the option to have my boys learn another language when they were young in public school, you bet your ASS they would have been in those classes.
My god, America must be full of fucking retards.

Your counrty was built on imigration from ALL OVER THE WORLD, all different Languages.

OR did you think the ENGLISH language came from America? (I bet some of you actualy do)

The funniest thing is that most of you don't seem to get the irony behind your 'Keep imigrant out of america' attitude, but then again you've never really understood irony as a nation.

Look it up in the Dictionary (the Oxford English dictionary that is, proper ENGLISH)
Not for nothin', Joint, but if you're gonna take the piss you should be sure your English is proper and without error. ;) And don't try to tell us that the UK isn't full of just as many gits, either.
That's an antivirus. I think you mean semantics. :)
STFU... you live in ENGLAND. Your COUNTRIES are the size of our STATES. It only makes sense that you would speak 2,3, and 4 different languages. Worry about getting rid of the cameras tracking your every damn move.
Reading comprehension. Towelie is Swiss, not English. I think being Swiss it's probably a good thing he knows Italian (why is that ONE language optional, though..? :?), German and French. :lol:
hahahaha wow. for someone in florida learning a spain dielect of spanish is retarded..throw in the towel. learning a language that has no use to you on a regualar basis is pointles and an empty gesture to yourself! what a toy
That's not necessary. It's still Spanish, of course it has a use. Otherwise, how would my Latin family members ever be able to communicate with the Spanish family members??? They sure didn't have to take a class to learn how, they just went and did it.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
hahahaha wow. for someone in florida learning a spain dielect of spanish is retarded..throw in the towel. learning a language that has no use to you on a regualar basis is pointles and an empty gesture to yourself! what a toy

Glad I could provide you with a laugh. I guess it didn't occur to you that my my b/f's family are all from Spain and I wanted to learn the language to be able to communicate with them when we visited. His mother lives here in FL and while she does speak, read & write English... it's not her first language and she usually speaks Spanish... of the Spain dialect.

Next time before you try to point out what is retarded, useless and empty gestures in someone else's life perhaps you should try using the 2 brain cells you have and just keep it to yourself. ;)


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden, san german es bellisimo. mis abuelos viven en loisa, bien serca de san juan y isla verde. yo me crie en el campo al lado de la playa(alcapurrias y bacalaitos<3). es bueno que estas practicando tu espanol. tienes rason tambien, es "soy" no "estoy"


Well-Known Member
Maybe, but very relevent to the xenophobic bullshit you're spouting.

Maybe you need a history lesson, the USA stood and watched the holcaust happening for 3 years before finally joining the war after being attacked on their own sovriegn soil.

Plus, thats rich coming from the country being run by a man who family is rich off NAZI GOLD.

I find it coincidental that THE WHOLE WORLD HATES THE USA........it must the something wrong with the world.

P.S. the USA is also one of the worlds biggest aid RECIEVERS, a fact not as widely publicized by your media I expect.
You're stupid.

When we liberated Buchenwald, it appalled our forces there. We had no idea this was going on. Your little statement of us sitting and watching for four years is so stupid that I am embarrassed for you.

You have the audacity to tell someone THEY need a history lesson when you yourself need one. Oh the irony.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden, san german es bellisimo. mis abuelos viven en loisa, bien serca de san juan y isla verde. yo me crie en el campo al lado de la playa(alcapurrias y bacalaitos<3). es bueno que estas practicando tu espanol. tienes rason tambien, es "soy" no "estoy"
A traves de Loiza (?) en.. 1990..? no recuerdo, pero recuerdo la gente encanta, y tenemos una amiga por L.A. desde loiza. Me gusta bacailitos. Y LECHON. Y platanos maduros (tengo tres en mi cocina). Muchas gracias.
(me gusta mofongo de yucca tambien.)(y empanadas de guayava!) :lol:


Well-Known Member
You're stupid.

When we liberated Buchenwald, it appalled our forces there. We had no idea this was going on. Your little statement of us sitting and watching for four years is so stupid that I am embarrassed for you.

You have the audacity to tell someone THEY need a history lesson when you yourself need one. Oh the irony.
I agree with zen, jointsmith, we KNEW there was concentration camps..But we didnt know there was DEATH camps..The U.S also had times where they had positions to attack the camps as well..Its a two way street.

But if you want to blame the U.S you could state that at the time The U.S was part of the reason the German nation believed Hitler in the first place.. The U.S sanctioned a document that forced the war debt from WWI of over 33 billion dollars as well as stripping germany of there right to bear arms OR have a army. As a result the economy overnight just went to hell.. Loans were made to assist Germany but it wasnt enough to throw them in a cycle that couldnt be stopped.. So as a result Hitler took advantage of the situation using propaganda as well as the blame game to assist his own needs of World domination.

Did i mention that Germany didnt start WWI? they just kicked everyones arses good enough by shocking the ENTIRE world with futuristic warcraft.:confused: Somthing the U.S does..Oh....everyday? To prevent the U.S getting stuck with some bill proclaiming US as the war guilt,they keep it from the world as well including there own citizens..:roll:


But is it really bad that your child should learn Spanish as well as English? Hell I would satisfied if my son or daughter had a basic understanding of Spanish..Because not only would they get extra money to support themself for there FUTURE.. My son with MY looks as well as a charming tounge would get melt a woman like butter. Woman LOVE it when you speak spanish to them when there hot..:twisted:

Thank you Obama for wanting to give my son a better finacial situation as well a more passionite sex life. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member

Glad I could provide you with a laugh. I guess it didn't occur to you that my my b/f's family are all from Spain and I wanted to learn the language to be able to communicate with them when we visited. His mother lives here in FL and while she does speak, read & write English... it's not her first language and she usually speaks Spanish... of the Spain dialect.

Next time before you try to point out what is retarded, useless and empty gestures in someone else's life perhaps you should try using the 2 brain cells you have and just keep it to yourself. ;)
i see. however i stick with what i said. its just more practical learning the dielect that is used geographically to where you are located. im using those last 2 brain cells for common sense.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
(Anyone interested in educational SPAM? Some "food for thought"... HAHA)

Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

About WW3....... After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

Anyone else following?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
(Anyone interested in educational SPAM? Some "food for thought"... HAHA)

Who do you believe?

About WW3....... After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

Anyone else following?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
I just want to say that I agree with most everything FloridaGirl has said about leaving the gov't out of our personal lives. If someone lives near Texas, I believe the schools should most definitely offer voluntary Spanish classes. But if you live up north close to the border of Canada, why should these people be obligated to speak Spanish? I believe in minimal gov't intervention in peoples lives. Let the people have FREE choice, as long as its not hurting anyone physically.

Is anyone else worried about the monopoly thats the Zionist Jews have on our mainstream media (MSM)? I just did a quick google search and this is what I came up with. This person seems to know a lot more on the subject that I do.


Is it true that over 80% of US Media outlets are Jewish owned? - Yahoo! Answers

"We, the people, have lost a great battle for control of our airwaves, free speech (FISA laws). We have lost small, independent voices, privately owned community newspapers, and radio stations (FCC approved Media Conglomeration and Oligopoly). Newspapers Radio Stations across the nation have been taken over by foreign and domestic large corporations. Those that own the media truly control the conversation.

First, when ever a question like this is posed, the first response from readers is “you are anti Semite,” which totally misses the point of having an open conversation conscious thinkers, an not brainwashed drones. We have been so brainwashed by our controlled media where we can’t even notice when our discussions are also being controlled.

Let us first look at this topic with an open mind. Why did you pose this question? Perhaps something guided you to draw these conclusions. Regardless of who controls the media, it is obvious that there is a heavy Jewish influence. This is not opinion, it is fact. I say this because it is an extremely rare to find any in the mainstream media discuss anything that deals with the state of Israel in an objective manner. We are to be reminded constantly that Israel is our friend and we are fighting “radical Islamic extremist.” Muslims are always vilified; the Palestinians are looked at as terrorist and suicide bombers regarded of the house demolitions, apartheid walls, and tree removal program in that region. Jews that do protest in Israel against the ethnic cleanings of Palestinians are rarely seen or heard of in the U.S Media. When groups unite in protest against the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, we never hear it.

The Zionist ideology is pushed not only in the main stream media, but also with many millionaire televangelist. People like John Hagee can get away with saying the most vile comments about Muslims, Islam….without making any headline news. Fake conservative with Zionist ideologies such as Michael "Weiner" Savage gets away with the most vile hateful, anti-Muslim, anti-Semite (Arabs are Semites also) speech. Michael Medved (Radio) who is also Jewish, views are also mean spirited and hateful towards Islam the religion, American Muslims and especially Arabs. The minute anyone challenges any U.S policies in favor is Israel, they are silenced. (whose talking about the 30 Billion to Israel, whose talking about Rachael Corey’s murder investigation in Israel? Congress won’t even touch it) APAIC has them under their spell.

Wolf Blizer of CNN used to work for APAIC (Pro Israeli organization that lobbies Congress for Israel, having pure Zionist ideology and agendas). Larry King is Jewish as well as Barbara Walters, and a host of other top journal. Some have changed their name to hide their Jewish ancestry, others have achieved high standing careers regardless. Keith Oberman is one of the only reason why I watch MSMBC. John Stewart on Comedy Central is hilarious and makes fun of everyone. (both Jewish)

If you researched some of the top Media owners in the U.S and UK you will find a Jewish connection in ownership or in a top level position. Rather you think this is good or bad, we should ask ourselves “does it stop a democratically free flow of ideas in our media.”

I believe the answer is yes, because of the power of some of the largest media empires such as Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation (see links below)

Who owns the media:

The other owner of the media is the FCC and not the people. Media laws are heavily weighed towards big corporations.

AOL-Time Warner:
The largest media conglomerate today is AOL-Time Warner, created when AOL bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The merger brought together Steve Case, a Gentile, as chairman of AOL-TW, and Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin, a Jew, as the CEO

Walter Isaacson, formerly the editorial director of Time, Inc., is the CEO of CNN News Group , the empire that Ted Turner built.

Walt Disney Company. chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, includes several television production companies [Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television] and cable networks with more than 100 million subscribers altogether.

Note: There are too many companies to list. Based on my own research into this question, there is no doubt that today's media has a high Jewish ownership. Just because the company isn’t owned by Jews does not necessarily mean it will not have a slant towards Jewish causes and ideas. What is really ironic is that there is more self criticism, and debate in the Jewish press overseas than in the U.S.A. Had this not been factual most Americans would know about the USS Liberty and Congressman Ron Paul.
I also must note that there should be a distinction made between Talmudic Jews and Zionist.

  • 7 months ago

FCC adopts media ownership rules
Proposal passed by party-line vote allows networks to reach 45% of national audience.


Rupert Murdoch's Jewish history

His dealings, media empire, legal actions against him

A Nice chart of media ownership

Newspapers and publishing

Noam Chomsk: "Media Control" http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Chomsk...
Sr. Rush Feingold Speaks out Against Media Consolidation

See the movie "Out Foxed""

How Jews Control The American Media | Real Jew News

Can anyone point out if this information is false? I'm not an expert on the subject, I just came across it the other day.. Thanks:mrgreen:

The REVOLUTION has begun!

