YOUR favorite beer!

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Drinking Corporate mass produced shit beer like bud, miller, or coors is the same as smoking shwag weed.
Well put.

Since i rarely drink, and i prefer to buy locally produced products anyway, i usually stick with the micro brews. New Belgium in Colorado (Mighty Arrow, Fat Tire, Biere de Mars) and Goose Island in Chicago (Harvest Ale, IPA, Oatmeal Stout) make many of my favorites. Dogfish head, sammy adams, sierra nevada, two brothers, and so many others make some awesome beer too.
If i get imported: Guinness.


Well-Known Member
Alaskan Amber Winter Ale
Alaskan Amber Summer Ale
Moose Head

these are great expecially the winter ale it my fav


Well-Known Member
I like corona Tecate pretty much all the Spanish beers Red stripe.I like coors the least.When I drink American beers I drink bush ice or bud ice because it has more alcohol in it.I almost forgot bud and bush are not american owned any more.


Well-Known Member
Newcastle, Fat Tire, or Sam Adams. Theres a local brewery around here called firestone, that is pretty good too, a lot like sam adams.


Active Member
Agh, how do you people drink Corona? I can't stand that shit. Worst tasting beers are Guiness, Corona, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red Stripe, Colt 45, and Keystone. The best are Rolling Rock, Heineken, Yuengling, Busch Light, and Sam Adams.

PS, peace start a favorite liquor thread ftw!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Agh, how do you people drink Corona? I can't stand that shit. Worst tasting beers are Guiness, Corona, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red Stripe, Colt 45, and Keystone. The best are Rolling Rock, Heineken, Yuengling, Busch Light, and Sam Adams.

PS, peace start a favorite liquor thread ftw!:peace:

well first of all, corona dosnt taste bad, but i dont like them either, as i stated erlier, its a bitch drink, thats what you let the ladies drink haha

PBR, a classic, but yea that shit is gross haha, but after you 8th beer you dont tatse it anymore ;)

Colt harsh. but not too bad,

Key stone is cheesy as hell haha, just that stupid Natural Light, NATI LIGHT so lame haha

but im down for a fav liquor thread as well bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Agh, how do you people drink Corona? I can't stand that shit. Worst tasting beers are Guiness, Corona, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red Stripe, Colt 45, and Keystone. The best are Rolling Rock, Heineken, Yuengling, Busch Light, and Sam Adams.

PS, peace start a favorite liquor thread ftw!:peace:
Absinth King of spirits gold is my drink over anything else.